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this night was an interesting one it started with me trying to draw a text picture of two ppl oil wrestling and evolved into this













then finally:





Edited by Bangudray

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lmfao my boobs look like tennis balls....and aliesha's holding a penis super soaker !?!?


-f**king priceless night in vent.

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ROFLMAOOOOOOOO aaaaaaaaaaahahahaha BANG LOL


I"M DYING LMAO and wtf penis super soaker??? YEAHH!!


I am severely mad that I went to bed before this series was finished. When is part 2 coming out??

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lmfao my boobs look like tennis balls....and aliesha's holding a penis super soaker !?!?


-f**king priceless night in vent.


LMFAO, Yesterday night was amazing...

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i had to get over here and post, this is epic.


anyone else notice how renee is totally just enjoying the wrestling, but lisa's face says YOU'RE GOING DOWN BITCH?

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Oh don't worry I still have the whip hidden in my bra :P The soaker was just to get them slippery as i so clearly stated :P


Laughed so hard I was in tears.


Im still trying to figure out how I got dragged into this.

Edited by Myrevenge

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Well beside Mandi and I your the only other chick that is always with us. lol So you had to be in there. & Dase.... I enjoy anything Mandi does to me !?

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ooh so Aliesha you're saying that you wouldn'tttt want to get DRAGGED into this?? Because it looks like theres plenty of room in the pool...

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i thought we were a gay guild? this is so heterosexual

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wowwwww wow wow wow I'm turned on!


Also I notice I seem to always be the dominant one! You know me well Bang!

Edited by Mandalai

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I just noticed... Its mandi Renee and Aliesha... Not Lisa Crystal and Aliesha.. Or Mandi, Renee and Serenitty.. Why am I the only real one Bang and the otehr 2 are fictional? you know Im sure some Doctor somewhere could concieve a million therioes on this. Of course if hes stuck on theroies about the way you only acknowledge me as a real person in these pictures and nothing on the pics themselves I had a few theroies on this so called Doctor!


Scarier yet you also Acknowledge Tom by his RL name and the other guys including yourself by game names.... Hmm hmmmmmmm

Edited by Myrevenge

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hahahaahahahaha Bang look what you did to my child /gasp


My gun shoots out a whip and your drinking juice while renee and Tom wrestle Buahhahaha

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