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I'm waiting for my friend to email me a beta key..


is anyone else playing this? the grafx and gameplay look awesome. Seems to be a sort of RTS but comprised of a team of 4 or 5 heroes for each side instead of little armies. looks sweet. cant wait to play it.


Heroes of Newerth

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Yeah except with sick grafx and stuff. I can't wait to get my beta key.


I think this may force me to upgrade my rig. :( May need to finally get out of the Geforce9 series. I have a smaller mobo, cuz i was sick of clutter, but if i get the larger 2 slot video card, its gonna crowd the heck out of my firewire PCI card i use for my audio recording interface.


anyway! this game looks awesome, i cant wait to plays it. anyone else have it? about 4 or 5 axiom have it and they get games running a lot.

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My friend told me about it and I played beta, it was pretty fun. I dont plan on playing again so i can give you my beta acount info if you want Killer

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Thanks shiki, however.........


I actually ended up pre-purchasing the full version because i liked it so much... =D


If anyone really enjoyed DoTA, then you may want to grab this. The game play is DoTA based and they actually have one of the designers of DoTA giving the OK to model the game after it. They said there a few bottlenecks with basing a game around a custom map from another game (dota - WC3) so this is for people that want the full capabilities of a dedicated game in the DoTA style.


so if anyone is interested and loved DoTA.. let me know. , i may have a beta key loeftover..







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