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How to be a douche (and get around the queues)

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If you're like me, you work all day, and feel like playing Aion when you get home. What you don't feel like doing is logging onto Aion and having to slog through 4 hours of queue. So here's what I did to work around that.


Go here:




Install LogMeIn Free on your gaming PC. LMI is a free remote access program, and it is pretty awesome (in a totally biased, I-work-for-the-company pluggy kind of way). What this will let you do is log into your gaming rig from work, or from a laptop, or from an iPhone if you want to feel totally awesome and don't mind spending $30 on the app (plug-plug-plug-plug-plug).


Once you're in, launch Aion*, log into your account, and hopefully you'll be able to get in. Once in, plunk your ass down and load up your private store. Put something in there, and price it at something absurd (like a billion gold). The idle timeout on a private store is something like 26 hours, so you'll never get D/C'd from the server.


If there's a queue, don't despair! You'd have hit the queue regardless, and this way it bleeds into your commute home.


*Note: If you launch Aion and just get a black screen after the NC Soft logo comes up, go into the Preferences in LogMeIn, go to Remote Control settings, and disable the display accelerator. Reconnect to the PC, and you should see Aion fine.


Tune in next week, when I teach you how to fart on people on the bus, and make them feel like they're the asshole!

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Wow - that is a pretty good idea lol. I shoulda done that for WoW back in the day.


PS LogMeIn is a good company! As someone who almost-worked-there-plug.

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How funny you posted this today. I was going to try this with a friends GoToMyPC account to see if it would work. But I like free. A lot.

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thought that said lomein, made me hungry

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Well this was short lived. maintenance tomorrow makes it so the private stores only last 30 minutes!

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Yeah but it takes me 45m to get home and 1.5hrs in queue so if I set it up right before I leave I shouldnt have to wait long. That and I can log in at work now and do some farming or something =)

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