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hello fine people,


I have miss many of you and the others.. I have not missed.. well.. Lets pretend I missed you too

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See ya - did you finally get all your heroics done to get into Vindictive? I've been following your app, they deem ya worthy yet?



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No :( Dude the ruined orbs they want me to get for the boots are about 1.6K gold alone. Not sure its going to work out with them but I have been working hard for it.


Stang... I miss u...


Why did u leave me with THESE people... hahah j/k





COME BACK... you are my super STAH



@Sauce... I HAAAAHHHT you

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Stang... I miss u...


Why did u leave me with THESE people... hahah j/k




Heya Maysonburr!

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MAYSON.. how many orbs do you need? I've got an asston of conq badges that I have zero use for ><" I GOT YO HOOKUP!

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MAYSON.. how many orbs do you need? I've got an asston of conq badges that I have zero use for ><" I GOT YO HOOKUP!


i need 8... still geo.. wtf you never answer me in tells :(



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Stang, it's a level 80 Heart of Darkness.

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i need 8... still geo.. wtf you never answer me in tells :(





arghhhhhhhh time to update my addons again ><" I'll grab as many as I can and mail them to you <3

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arghhhhhhhh time to update my addons again ><" I'll grab as many as I can and mail them to you <3


wow thanks a ton dear!!


suuuureeee blame it on the addons :(

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There are 3 on their way to you right now, I can probably come up with a couple more shortly, I just need to grab a gem and see what's left =)


I can't figure out which addon it is, but I have my whisper windows set to show up to 9 conversations at a time, if I go over that it tosses them into my spam window that I don't have showing ><" it keeps resetting on me so it's going to like.. 5 whisper windows instead of the 9 it's supposed to be at.. those 5 get filled up pretty fast, so it throws everything after that out =( I'm going to update and check my settings. If that happens again, toss me a PM here, facebook, or God willing my effing phone stops being a bastid and actually keeps a signal, a text! I know I got a text from you a few days ago. What ends up happening with that is I have to reboot my phone to get it to detect the signal.. my little sister was having a pretty bad panic attack the other night and tried calling and texting me, but because it was showing I had no bars, they just didn't come through. So I get home.. and have my mother yelling at me about not answering my phone.. I look at it.. reboot it.. and bam, flood of texts and voicemails. AT&T can diaf.

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There are 3 on their way to you right now, I can probably come up with a couple more shortly, I just need to grab a gem and see what's left =)


I can't figure out which addon it is, but I have my whisper windows set to show up to 9 conversations at a time, if I go over that it tosses them into my spam window that I don't have showing ><" it keeps resetting on me so it's going to like.. 5 whisper windows instead of the 9 it's supposed to be at.. those 5 get filled up pretty fast, so it throws everything after that out =( I'm going to update and check my settings. If that happens again, toss me a PM here, facebook, or God willing my effing phone stops being a bastid and actually keeps a signal, a text! I know I got a text from you a few days ago. What ends up happening with that is I have to reboot my phone to get it to detect the signal.. my little sister was having a pretty bad panic attack the other night and tried calling and texting me, but because it was showing I had no bars, they just didn't come through. So I get home.. and have my mother yelling at me about not answering my phone.. I look at it.. reboot it.. and bam, flood of texts and voicemails. AT&T can diaf.


no its cool Geo, I love we have mad love for each other through da internets :P


Thanks a ton for your help cause these damn orbs are just stupidly priced atm..


I wanna run something with you and Tim, its been to long!

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There are 3 on their way to you right now, I can probably come up with a couple more shortly, I just need to grab a gem and see what's left =)


I can't figure out which addon it is, but I have my whisper windows set to show up to 9 conversations at a time, if I go over that it tosses them into my spam window that I don't have showing ><" it keeps resetting on me so it's going to like.. 5 whisper windows instead of the 9 it's supposed to be at.. those 5 get filled up pretty fast, so it throws everything after that out =( I'm going to update and check my settings. If that happens again, toss me a PM here, facebook, or God willing my effing phone stops being a bastid and actually keeps a signal, a text! I know I got a text from you a few days ago. What ends up happening with that is I have to reboot my phone to get it to detect the signal.. my little sister was having a pretty bad panic attack the other night and tried calling and texting me, but because it was showing I had no bars, they just didn't come through. So I get home.. and have my mother yelling at me about not answering my phone.. I look at it.. reboot it.. and bam, flood of texts and voicemails. AT&T can diaf.


no its cool Geo, I love we have mad love for each other through da internets :P


Thanks a ton for your help cause these damn orbs are just stupidly priced atm..


I wanna run something with you and Tim, its been to long!

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Yes, yes I am.. and I totally BROKE my entire UI tonight and spent the entire time in HToC fixing it lol.. I could finally see text after we were all done

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