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WoWHead Coverage


here's wowhead's recap of the proposed wow changes...


Edit: Can i just say, that unless they absolutely break the game, this Xpak is going to be awesome. I'm def. down with the big number of additional raid instances, however, i will say that the horde always seem to get the cool racials. I mean.. the worgen are flayers: no knife needed for skinning. really? ok.. say im not a skinner. ggqq goblins have a racial to shoot rockets at you? lol okay.

Edited by Killerpriest

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My character will truely be a hunter-tank by the time I'm done customizing stamina...lol.

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I like that they FINALLY got rid of all that crap on our gear, and that our gear is going to go back to being STRAIGHT stats. It makes it more user friendly for people coming into the game, and opens up more itemization choices.


I'm not pleased with the lack of Sweet that Worgen get over goblins. I'm also curious about the change to hunters. I don't know if we'll actually see that one happen honestly, it totally changes how you play a hunter, sooo.

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Hunters actually used to have focus to begin with. They didn't have mana until late beta I believe.

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Paladins used to have nothing but strikes as attacks, and that got changed. Remember, now until the time it comes out, SO much can and will change. Hell the new dances promised in Wrath never came out.


I like the content added so far with this, but I kinda feel like the anouncment of this expansion was rushed or not as major as Wrath, because Wrath failed to live up to it's promise.



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Hunters actually used to have focus to begin with. They didn't have mana until late beta I believe.


I know, but it never came out, because it didn't work as well as they wanted it to if I remember correctly, and mana was the easy alternative. Who's to say they figured it out now?

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I know, but it never came out, because it didn't work as well as they wanted it to. . . Who's to say they figured it out now?


Didn't release it because it didn't work.


Now releasing it, must work.


/shrug... Not that I'm excited about it, mind you. But if this mechanic doesn't work this time, beta testing will snuff it out.

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You'd hope they'd either figured it out by now, or will work out all the kinks through beta of the x-pack. Hopefully if it's fugly, they just won't do it.

This is Blizzard though, it'll either be amazing, or suck, and from there they will work on it every single patch until they decide to revert back to mana, or by some miracle Hunters are happy with a change ( finally) and their class can stop being worked on for at least 1 patch.

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I figured you'd be happy with us getting Worgen Trev..... i mean Worgen spelled backwards is well.... you know...

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Trev, I don't know what you're talking about. The Worgen's look badass. I'm so glad we aren't getting Goblins.


"new underwater mounts will be available and should have the same speed as normal flying mounts."

*crosses fingers for epic seal form*


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*looks for his seal harness* I'm gonna catch and ride me a BW!

You wouldn't be the first. Just don't use the spurs.


•Race changes will be available shortly after Faction changes.

Definitely changing Hykos to a Worgen Druid.

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You wouldn't be the first. Just don't use the spurs.


•Race changes will be available shortly after Faction changes.

Definitely changing Hykos to a Worgen Druid.


Stangmeister -> Gnome for sure

Stanger -> NE Mage



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so what about the locks and the soul shards ? i thought its pretty hot that they dont have to use them anymore. theres 3 little shards under your pic and if u blow one they make your spells stronger or something like that idk my b/f was going crazy during the lock part couldnt really her it on blizzcon. or for hunters the fact that bosses now might drop different ammo. fire tipped, frost tipped, etc. i thought it was awesome actually.

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Shean = NE Mage

Petmemonkey going from Dwarf Hunter to NE Hunter.


With those 2 going to NE and my Druid and DK being them I think I am gonna forgo all other races and jsut have a screen full of NE's. Although I do plan on jumping on the Worgen train. S

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Why does everyone wanna be a booty race like NEs? L2GoodRACES!



it's the slutty dances.. if I switch the druid to a worgen and their dances are crap like that goddamn maccarena, I'ma be PIIIIIIIIIIIISSED!

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If anybody was interested in actually seeing the blizzcon stream, they have it up over at mininova.org


Its broken down by day and about 5.5gb in total....


Definatly worth the watch...



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Looks like we wont be able to change immediately anyway. Blizz are putting race changes to Goblin and Worgen on hold initially, so that we don't miss the awesomeness that is their starting zones.


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