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I watched the trailer for 9 a couple months back and it certainly looks enjoyable. On the subject of interesting looking films with 9 in the title I'd also recommend checking out District 9. It's a documentary style low/high budget sci-fi flick produced by Peter Jackson. The overview of the film, quoted below, is certainly interesting.





In the movie, aliens made first contact with Earth twenty years ago while humanity waited for the hostile attack, or the giant advances in technology. Neither came. Instead, the aliens were refugees, the last survivors of their home world. The creatures were set up in a makeshift home in South Africa's District 9 as the world's nations argued over what to do with them. Now, patience over the alien situation has run out. Control over the aliens has been contracted out to Multi-National United (MNU), a private company uninterested in the aliens' welfare - they will receive tremendous profits if they can make the aliens' advanced weaponry work.

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I just want it to come out so I don't have to watch that damn trailer anymore. 6 freagn months they've been showing that at the theater. I'm sick of it. -_-

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oh old grouchy BW!

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