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anyone else have a fish tank?


I have a freshwater 28 gal. i have 12 tetras in it. (10 neons, 2 glow light) 2 spotted corey cats, one golden algae eater. I had an angel fish for 6 years that just took durability dmg :( i'm emo about it.

I had two giant orange african snails.. im not sure of their life span but they lasted maybe 6 months. very cool tho, i may get more.


All plastic plants, they are so much easier to deal with than planted plants. a really cool plastic hollow tree stump with an under gravel air diffuser which gives a really cool effect.


Link to my *rate my fish tank* page.

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I dated a girl that had a 350 gallon saltwater tank. During the time we were going out, she moved twice. I never want to see another fish tank ever again.

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Eria and I have a 100 gallon fresh water tank. We figure we have about 75 fish right now which is a mix of tetras, neons, clown loaches, and congo tetras. we also have a apple snail which is really fun to watch, he is about the size of a 5 year olds fist.



Your tank looks awsome :thumbsup: if you want something cool for plants with out the headach try bamboo shoots. they look really cool under water and do really well.

we find our tank to be really relaxing to watch but sometimes a pain to clean lol.

Edited by Vixxie

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you need a lion fish imo


who do you think i am.. Deuce Bigalow? lol


heya vixxie,,. post up a pic, i'd love to see the tank. I have room to add now that my angel fish is no more, but i haven't decided yet. i may get two angel fish. or gourami's maybe. but that snail you have sounds pretty awesome.


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i'm glad you put that under a link because otherwise this would have been a terrifying post for me.

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i'm glad you put that under a link because otherwise this would have been a terrifying post for me.



Ghost fish to haunt your nightmares ABC!

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that looks worse than the whole fish you can get at frontera.

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now that was just cruel.


edit:: revenge, via signature!

Edited by Klaudia

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