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Ever hear of it? It came out in 3.1 and only a handful of people in the world have it.


Here's a summary of what you have to do for the insane title:


"Complete Todo List:


Kill Several Hundred Booty Bay Bruisers [depending on how many goblin quests you have done, it normal only takes about 5-600]


Run DM north completing the 2 quests inside a total of 193 times. [max speed is 5 dungeon resets per hour]


Collect 86 Librams [any combination] and the various materials needed to complete each of them


Kill a few Sydicate And/or collect emblems to reach friendly


Collect 2600 Heavy Junkboxes from pickpocketing level 55-60 mobs to get to exalted from friendly, 1405 if your at 11999/12k honored from killing syndicate.


Collect Either 1480 Craftable darkmoon decks, 106 epic decks, or any combination of the two to reach exalted from 2k/6k friendly"




If you didn't catch it from the above list, this is the achievement's requirements: Gain exalted reputation with: The entire Steamwheedle Cartel, darkmoon faire, Ravenholdt, shen'dralar, oh and get honored with bloodsail buccaneers - and don't go below honored when getting your cartel rep back.


...That's 40,000-60,000 gold in materials you need to farm, and hundreds of hours of grind time.


Here's a link to a guide someone's making as he attempts to do this. He's been at it for about a month now and is 38% done (he posts his progress for everyone to see):



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Someone on our server already has this: zzmorris (horde).


He used the SC forums to enlist the help of other rogues, who COD'd him lockboxes for 5g each. He found many people willing to help at that price and I'm pretty sure it took him less than a week.


He also used the SC forums and general chat to get Darkmoon Faire cards - to me it seems like this rep would be the worst of them all unless you are stinkin' rich.


The Bloodsail/Steamwheedle reps would be a huge pain in the ass. If you plan on going for Loremaster, as I did, then you have almost no choice but to do that BEFORE going for "The Insane". The reason is that there are many quests along the way that you'll have to do that lower Bloodsail rep, and unless you've built up a huge buffer of Bloodsail rep in advance then you may be in trouble.

After grinding Bloodsail you are going to be hated with all of the goblin cities. Someone on Wowhead did a comparison of the fastest ways to grind Goblins and came to the conclusion that killing pirates near Ratchet and Gadgetzan would get you 4.5k with that specific goblin city and half that much in "spillover" rep with the rest of them. He killed over 800 goblins an hour for that much.

So if you start out at 1/36000 hated with each, you're looking at (36000+3000+3000+3000+6000+12000+21000)/4500 = about 19 hours of straight-up grinding.


I thought about going for this title but then I came to my senses! :)

Edited by Durkastan

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Currently working on this right now actually. Have revered with the Bloodsail's and I'm already 4/36k with Steedweedle. I've been doing the DM runs through as its 350 rep across the board + 75 rep for the ogre skin turn in.


Afterall, I've never been one for mindless grinding.

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Someone on our server already has this: zzmorris (horde).

He's also REALLY TERRIBLE at pvp, and gets his ass blown up by 'teh pvp krewz' alot.


I seem to remember 1 shotting the poor guy yesterday durring our AB'stravaganza. At lest his life has meaning ...

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He's one of the main guys that would sit on top of the quest huts on the Sunwell Island and try to pop all his cooldowns to kill people trying to get quests.

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He's also REALLY TERRIBLE at pvp, and gets his ass blown up by 'teh pvp krewz' alot.


I seem to remember 1 shotting the poor guy yesterday durring our AB'stravaganza. At lest his life has meaning ...


Oh man. I remember that guy. Yeeeea, he is def very terrible at pvp. Apparently he hasn't gotten better since BC. I used to kill him in BEM in the ethereal phase shift area while phase shifted. He'd have to farm the item aaaaaaaaall over again. I know, griefing is what I do and I think I made alot of people mad that way. All in good fun, for me and whoever was with me :P

Edited by corkie

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They should change the title. Instead of "Guy 'The Insane'", it should read "Guy 'Needs To Get The Hell Outside.'"


Just my thoughts.

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They should change the title. Instead of "Guy 'The Insane'", it should read "Guy 'Needs To Get The Hell Outside.'"


Just my thoughts.


Yes but then they'd have to give the title to half the players on SC

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