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I've had a truly great time playing with everyone in FP (except Beorn), but sadly I have taken my leave. The uld 25 runs that shiki, myrevenge and myself were working hard to run fell into utter ruin (no one showed up!) and because I really want to see end game content 25 man style, I've joined lucid. All my alts are still in FP and I hope to still do 10 mans with the FP gang.


On a lighter note, Lucid members welcomed me to their guild with a curse-fest in my honor, since they know FP doesn't allow it =P


My time with FP was amazing - I leave with 100's of screen shots and terabytes of happy memories


With much love,





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OMG! What the hizzie!?!?!?!?


Well at least you're not leaving the game. :-) Good luck in the other guild. /sigh NOW who will I sexually harrass? (spelling) /le sigh (again)

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wtf what have I ever said to offend anyone in FP? douche. Maybe I can read guild chat now without it having to tell me your 10 achievement points per minute.


Have fun and get some gear in Luicd! =)

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hahaha sbx, oh man


good luck krotas, you old timer(in FP years)

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Aw <3


So they tell me that when I walk into a raid I'll be handed food and flasks, and apparently they pay all of my repairs. At all times. Raid or not. Forever.



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can you please give me directions to this place where they will be handing out the food? thank you

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We raided last night and I totally owned face on the meters. Representin' FP!

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oh so you're still in FP just raiding with lucid? im sorry i must of misunderstood this thread.

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Well Krotas the best of luck. I think it is a good decision knowing your will to do 25 man content. I have seen your efforts to make 25 man happen but for some reason it fell apart. Best of luck.

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