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Anyone thinking about going? Medan and I will be there, along with a few others from Vindictive.


Just thought I'd ask. Its a really good time. Lots to do during the day and at night. I should dig up my pictures

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I went last year, was thinking about going again. Most likely will unless something outrageous happens with the tickets again.

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A few of us went last year too, but we failed at going to the meeting table so we didn't meet anyone from Skullcrusher. It could have been... at least interesting lol

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Bah! I wanna go, Although since I'm Canadian, it would suck hard getting there, finding a hotel, scheduling rides, etc.

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A few of us went last year too, but we failed at going to the meeting table so we didn't meet anyone from Skullcrusher. It could have been... at least interesting lol

Yeah, I didn't end up going to the table until the last 15 minutes or so. A couple guys from Rage were there, that's about it.

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i don't think i ever want to meet rage people irl.

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i don't think i ever want to meet rage people irl.


Korre lives 45 minutes away from me, I could go rough him up if I wanted to. >.>


Same thing with Nurka, but she's cute.

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I'd go but I'm saving for the FP party. I doubt that I'll be able to smoke my cigars in the con anyway. The prospect of hanging out w/ Medan is pretty damned tempting though, brothers in Ret and all.

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