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So I've been thinking about running BT and Sunwell for old times sake again. When would be the best day/time for everyone?






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Hi Kyle!


I still need Sunwell, but I'd be willing to help you out with the BT thing.. I'm down for whenever =)


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AMG!! if you could invite my rogue Ghalleon to BT (sunwell would be great too) I'd so f-in love ya..


need like.. 16k more rep with the Ashtongue deathsworn to help me get 40 reputations!!!!


so any help would be greatful

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That'd be awesome, but Saturday would be balls... Friday night would work, though. Or Sunday?

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Sorry guys I have to cancel, I forgot about something I already said I would go to. I'll post a night when I can do it.


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Sorry guys I have to cancel, I forgot about something I already said I would go to. I'll post a night when I can do it.


Haha, brutal... thanks for the thought, maybe next time!

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