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I finally.. FINALLY got around to getting the pictures off of my camera from this winter! So here it is.. as promised (months ago). I present to you Hank.. in the epic hat! <3




**for those that don't know, Bre has mad crazy crocheting skillz. She made and sent Ez, Hank, and I all hats.. someday I'll take pics of the other 2 so you can see them =)

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Awesome, Memphis. :thumbsup: I'm glad someone finally got some use out of the crazy things I make when I'm bored!

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that almost looks like a megaman helmet, i would like one copy please, thank you.


oh and good job mmmphhs!

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I saw snow for the first time in like woooo 14 years? maybe more, this winter when I was in NY! I was very excite.

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I'm still working on a method to keep the moose antlers in proper position. As soon as I get that figured out, I'll get right to work. :tongue: (We need a smiley with antlers for instances like this!)

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I'm still working on a method to keep the moose antlers in proper position. As soon as I get that figured out, I'll get right to work. :tongue: (We need a smiley with antlers for instances like this!)

some kind of foam material on the inside?



Edited by Hykos

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