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I recently heard that Amazon has changed some sort of internal censorship policy. This policy removes the sales rankings from books that the new rules deem inappropriate. However, it seems that this "policy" has been skewed towards the LGBT community. While Amazon is claiming publicly that they have no new policy and this is all a glitch on the site, privately authors of certain books who contacted Amazon to find out why their novels disappeared were told it was because of these new censorship guidelines. As Jeff Probst so succinctly puts it in this blog Amazon has some explaining to do.

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*******FINAL UPDATE******************

Amazon has released a statement of apology stating that it was an "embarrassing and ham-fisted cataloging error" that pertained to 57,310 listings. They also say that It has been misreported that the issue was limited to Gay & Lesbian themed titles. So it's over. Amazon admits they goofed, and I, for one, shall give them the benefit of the doubt and say I do not believe that there was any malicious intent. Case closed.

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They also sell books that teach you to raise and train fighting dogs, as well as subscriptions to dog fighting magazines, under the guise of the First Ammendment.

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They also sell books that teach you to raise and train fighting dogs, as well as subscriptions to dog fighting magazines, under the guise of the First Ammendment.


I don't understand the outrage about dog fighting. Never will.

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Because Dogs aren't given the option to fight or not like people are. So someone is ALWAYS going to stand up for them. Plus you have to breed and train them to fight, and people aren't really happy with all that.


I really dislike dog fighting, but mostly cause it's just not fun to watch, and I wouldn't want to imagine my dog scraping with another dog. Accidental death and all that seems to really get under peoples skin too.

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i can't imagine the art of dog fighting. are there actual moves? can dog learn to dodge? are there special moves you have to charge up? i don't get it. i think there is just biting. cause dogs cannot punch. or bob and weave!

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I don't understand the outrage about dog fighting. Never will.


Because torturing and killing animals for personal amusement and monetary gains is great fun for everyone, amiright? :roll:

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Because torturing and killing animals for personal amusement and monetary gains is great fun for everyone, amiright? :roll:

Until people stop eating them, they shouldn't talk.

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but trevor, dogs are cute.

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