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Been at this nearly every day for 2 weeks now. Just not having any luck. There never seems to be enough guildies on, and those that are on are too busy. :(


Been half pugging/ half guild running it.


Could really use some assistance from our experienced mages and rogues in the guild. /looks over and shadrende and shiki :P



I'm setting up another raid on monday night at 7pm. invites starting at 6:30. If you can make it out and lend us a hand that'd be great. I know a few of us are getting very close to the plague drake and need your support.






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You better hustle! The drakes are getting taken out in the patch aren't they~?



They certainly are. Would hate to see months of work out the window. As long as the patch isn't this tuesday there's still a chance (still need 3d 10man os).

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