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So what started off as killing horde in Arathi.. ended up far more epic than we could imagine =)




That's right.. we 5 manned the Silvermoon leader ^.^





We're pretty proud of ourselves!





The fire ele made an appearance for the screenshot, we can't leave him out!





After all that work we needed to rest.. Bang portaled out before this one =P

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Wait, Wait, Wait... a minute here. Back this up.


You're telling me that you 5 manned the Blood Elf boss? No way...

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It's pretty easy....


take 5 people x our level of awesomeness = more like 73 manning it.


It ended up being about 16g each I think. Pretty sure we can do Sylvanas too if Undercity is as quiet as it was last night.

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You expect us to believe you 5 manned a Horde Leader with Bangudray in the group. I call shenanigains!



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You expect us to believe you 5 manned a Horde Leader with Bangudray in the group. I call shenanigains!





awaiting topic to be changed to "....4 man a city boss?"

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Hey you gaiz we really did this! Bang and all.

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awaiting topic to be changed to "....4 man a city boss?"



lol I won't change the topic, but we did that last night too =P I think Rosh timed it, and it took 22 minutes to kill the 2 adds and the guy.. Sakx was there playing with us, and we ended up having to kill the add guys again because of a stray chain lightning ^.~


Oh, and a big thanks to Sakx for letting us kill him a couple times for Ryee and Rosh's 'wrath of the alliance' achievement. Luckily, 2 pallies showed up when we were done with our shenanigans right about the time Andrie got there for hers, so Sakx was spared being holy fired. There was a mind control incident though ... We'll leave it at that =P

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Andrie is super naughty and evil!!



shhh. But i am not as evil as Shad :tongue:

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