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After 5 weeks of attempts we finally got the job done! None too easy either; scheduled to start at 6:30 but with 3 no-shows we didn't start until 8:30! Half way through the run we had to replace someone and a bit after that someone else went afk for about an hour. We were just in the process of telling belgwrath to log on and join us when the AFKer came back. Poor bel! we love you!


Disclaimer: yes, the chicken is indeed still wearing his "knight" title =P

Edited by Krotas

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LoL Gratz guys, It was my choice to go out lastnight. I'm sure some other ppl in the Guild would wanna give the Undying a shot. PST if you wanna Go!!!


I <3 You Key lol dont worry.

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yah sorry about the image quality; it's much higher res in my screenshots folder, and I've pretty much never used photobucket before (or any image hosting) so I have no idea how to fix that =/


and thanks guys! <3

Edited by Krotas

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<------ AFKer. Sorry about that. The interview was supposed to last 30 minutes but it lasted an hour and some change. It was a Freemason thing.


Congrats to all!!!!

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<------ AFKer. Sorry about that. The interview was supposed to last 30 minutes but it lasted an hour and some change. It was a Freemason thing.


Congrats to all!!!!


since when has freemasonry been more important than wow? its just a bunch of community service with a RL title

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