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Hello im looking ofr the arigis and the ecthelion and the josef

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If you are all reading this hello from the sand box. been here now for what 4 months feel like forever but im almost done. Miss hanging out with you and watching people get torn to shreads. Lots of Convoys and crap lots of stories....alot


So tell me whats up with you guys im going to start playing my warrior here in a few so look me up and say hi....im sure when the laggy net catches up with me i will respond back. you will see me running around no guild getting wtf pawned in Bgs as i try to leech whatever the crap out here they call net can give me.



4 more months of dirt sand rocks.........and trying not to get blown up.


sibuxiang OUT


if anyone see's this tell them i say "sibu down...its a wipe" they will know what it means i do it for the moneys


also a pic....am i doing it right?


also a shout out to bang sup fooooooooooo


Edited by thesibuxiang

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I don't know who you are but hello thar!! :-D and plx don't get blown up.


and tell Battletank i said hi, hes going over to Iraq now [QQ]

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Where are you stationed over there? What service are you in I can make out the rank insig.



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hey tran hows everything going back on the home front.



also the insig is USCG coast guard stuff. im attached to the Port security unit out here and they are attached to the Army unit.


figure it like navy our ranks are the same as thiers.



i know huh Coast guard wtf in war.....trust me i think the same thing everyday

Edited by thesibuxiang

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hahaha its sib himself... whats up man im doing good doing the college thing only thing your missing out on is my occasional drunk vent talks... memphis knows what im talking about. ecth im pretty sure will see this post eventually hes a forum troll especially when hes workin... so hes around...


but ya man nice to hear from ya ill look for you online

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Who gave you a real gun?! Is my tax dollars paying for that!?


Hit me up next time youre online! I mainly play Joesf and Joebawls. Good to hear from ya homie!

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not just 1 gun but 3-4 guns




Do you find yourself wanting to cuss at your brother when you're shooting them?


Coast Guard huh? Well if you ever need to get rid of some drug runners contraband you know how to get in touch with me!

Edited by Joesf

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Do you find yourself wanting to cuss at your brother when you're shooting them?


Coast Guard huh? Well if you ever need to get rid of some drug runners contraband you know how to get in touch with me!



well take for example now in wow Retplds are the a beast and dont think they are oped. Warriors in pvp are a current joke......So when im out here i tend to cuss alot about plds and why im so gimp >.<



or yelling at them saying "dammit arigis no keyboard turning"

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Do you find yourself wanting to cuss at your brother when you're shooting them?


I lol'd pretty hard.


Gotta get back to training, I'll drop by for more words in a bit. Keep safe out there boss, and do us proud =D

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yeah i will make random posts and keep you updated.


right now im on a post with a comp so i can look at the net......no porn thou all blocked Nnnnoooooooooooooo.


Radio traffic has been going on for the ast 2 hours im almost rdy to shut it off cause of all the useless info they are talking about on the net.


3 more months 3 more months.


i will post some more pics later on give you an idea of what the sleeping looks like and the area around us......my room looks like a room for a homeless guy... just need a cardboard box and im set

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A cardboard box and SOME CRACK! But I'm sure you have that covered! haha

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