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I feel like I brought a lot more than repair bills to the raid. I feel like I brought an extended and infinite amount of entertainment (also known as stress) for all involved.


You know you miss me.

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Oh man. I know all the old CC members are mostly gone from FP, but this is pretty much my most famous failure in WoW history with the exception of dying on every single trash pull in SSC and having Gynis send me stamina gems so I'd live longer.


Once long LONG ago when CC was pushing through Karazhan I was the only raiding shaman. As such I was a whore for any situation, and never got any gear because WoWJesus hates me. Anyways we came to the crazy mage guy who's name slips my mind. Being the only shaman I had a whole spell section that was all mine to shock, and for all of the attempts I did just great I'd miss a few here and there, nothing major though.


Anyways we come to our last attempt of the night, and the raid is doing fine before the water elementals. The minute they pop they just nuke me, so I'm sitting there deciding if I should pick myself up or not while the raid keeps plowing ahead, and slowly people start dropping. It gets down to one person and the boss is at 2 percent so I pop, heal and the minute I do my buddy gets melee-d in the face and dies.


Now it's just me, and this little S.O.B with his 1 percent of health, and I go bawls to the wall dpsing my little heart out, and I shock him, and it's fine, I'm thinking you know I could do this, he has almost no health bar this could be awesome. I'm going and I'm going popping everything and my guild is cheering me on thinking I got this. At that moment he started up another cast, and in my excitement, I hit flame shock instead of earthshock. Since EVERYONE was watching they could see my epic fail as he BLASTED me in the face and finshed off the last bit of my health, and we wiped with him having some like 20k HP or less left.


I was so emo, and everyone in my guild gave me shit about it for months.

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When I was a level 60 druid, I was the Druid CL for Mystic Shadows.


So one day I was in a raid for MC, it was a good day, I had just received my moose antlers from Ony, and was getting ready to heal for the Rag fight.


I hadn't been feeling good that evening, a mix of Mac & Cheese, Nachos with Chili, and Coca-Cola were causing an eruption in my tummy. So during the Rag fight, I couldn't hold it anymore.


Without telling anyone, I ran to the bathroom to relieve Mr. Tummy. I didn't do number 2, btw, I had to puke.


So I hurry an empty the contents of my sore stomach and I get back. It was a very quick puke. Most of everyone is still alive, Rag was at 40%. So I put my headphones back on to hear everyone screaming at me to innervate and battlerez.


I was supposed to innervate another healer and battlerez a tank.


Instead, I battlerezzed a hunter and innervated a warrior.


We didn't wipe, but I recieved quite a few "wtf"s.





In another case, I was in Kara. I was asked to heal it. I hadn't played my drood for a while and had been mostly playing my lock at that point.


I didn't like the guild hosting it (a few of their officers didn't like me because I repeatedly told them they sucked at the game, which they did, one was shadow priest who would say shadow is best for healing).


I healed the entire run with this guild in my level 60 Stormrage set. They didn't notice, I was first for healing.

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