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I googled it while bored and found quite a few funny stories, and it tempted me to see if any prophets have been through anything over the years that would make a good story. I'll start it off, although it's not terribly funny... especially for those that were there <.<


It was a big patch day, and FP had scheduled a BWL raid for that night. There had been a few cool changes but I had been kind of busy IRL and had to get everything done on time for the raid, so I didn't really read any of them. Raid time comes, we get in there and start rolling through Raz, vael, and broodlord, before finally coming to our latest challenge, one we had not yet bested: Firemaw. Now for those who are not familiar with firemaw, he patrols an extremely large area of the instance, one that is completely filled with trash. Being the budding little warlock that I was, I was eager to get a look at Firemaw and see exactly where he patrolled, since once he was dead I obviously wouldn't be able to walk up and see his patrol route for myself. So I turn to my trusty sidekick, that *clearly* had never done me wrong before, and pull out the eye of kil'rogg. Taking control of my new friend I fly him down the hall and up the corridors of BWL, sneaking past all the trash before finally getting to view Firemaw in all his patrolling glory. This is where it got interesting. Firemaw saw my eye, quickly turned around and swipe it to hell. Now, you must understand - I expected that to happen. I had gotten my look at Firemaw, and I was satisfied. My view would return to my character and I would continue to wait for stragglers and buffs. Except, that's not what happened. What did happen was people began to ask the phrase I have come to love: "Why am I in combat?" And as I began to wonder how this happened I saw Firemaw, in all his glory, come chasing down the hallway... towards me.


About 3 minutes later, after everyone returned to their bodies and walked back up through the cleared part of the instance, I learned the lesson that has taught me to read every word of every patch note: An interesting little change, unheard of prior to that night, when aggroing a boss in an instance, it now aggro'd every player in the instance.

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Mine's easy.


I'll set th way back machine for our Ragnaros days. It would have been our 3rd kill if memory serves, and we were having some trouble getting him down. It was really late, nerves were raw and many an eye were red.


Now this was back in the day when pally buffs were 5min, and we all know how long it takes FP to get setup and ready for a boss. Gryph was our MT that night and needed a new Blessing of Light on him before we started. I was the guy assigned to it and I was across the map. So instead of running all the way down that damned spiral I decided to put my considerable lava jumping skills to use. (Waaaaaaaaaay too much BRM pvp)


So I'm hopping along to Gryph ready to get this thing started when all of a sudden I hear, see "WHO DARE CHALLENGES THE POWER OF RAGNAROS?!" or whatever the hell it was.


I'm pretty sure that I pooped a little. So there's all kinds of mass confusion on vent and etc, people wondering what the hell's going on. Trying to save some face I say "It's cool, it's cool I'll just let him kill me." and I turn into Rag, only to be made into a ground pally platter. I hear Gryph say "It doesn't work like that, you've started the encounter."


So I shrink a little in my chair (quite a lot actually) and in short order the raid wipes. I get a tell from Gryph in .002 seconds afterward, with not so subtle tones of disgust "What in the hell was that?"



Edited by Ecthelion

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Christ Chris, I am teary eyed right now I am laughing so hard. I was there for that, and wow, I forgot about it.


Thanks for that, that was good times.... looking back on it =P


And Mullytt....



.... .... /click?

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Lol Oh man. I think Stang will remember this!


It all dates back to the night of an Onyxia kill. She was farm status for FP, and I believe no other raid had been scheduled for the guild that night. After all 40 of us were gathered, we just ran in and one shot'd her as I remember it. To my luck and surprise, she happened to finally drop the Mature Black Dragon Sinew needed for the Hunter Epic Level 60 Quest.


Originally, She'd dropped it on one of the guild's earlier kills when we took her down with some pugs. While I won the roll, I'd accidentally released after dying during the encounter, and Master Looter screwed myself and one other (Pretty sure it was Alaerian(sp?)/Panda on an off hand) out of our phat drops.


The kill upon which I finally got the sinew was weeks and weeks in the future( I think she made an effort not to drop it after the original ML incident), but I was elated to finally receive it. With it being the last item required for my new bow and staff, I quickly accepted the item and hurried off to Felwood.


Now, I would be FP's Second hunter to complete the quest, the first being Miz. While Miz posted pics of himself with the reward weapon, FP didn't get a chance to take any pics upon the moment he got it. In my case, Stang and I believe 2-3 others asked if they could follow me to to watch the turn-in, and take pics for the site afterward. I was so excited /famous oh man! With that, we all flew down to Felwood and hurried to the Quest Starter.


I was ready and willing to turn it in and all, but just as we'd all arrived, I got huge parent aggro off of not coming to dinner (lol epix>food). Needless to say, after we'd all come together and everything, I had to afk for like 10 mins before I could could come back and finally turn it in.


When I returned, things were just as momentous as they had been, and I readied myself to step forward and receive that hawt bow and staff. At long last I turned the quest in and triumphantly equipped the Leafy Bow, smiles and 'grats' were all around. I didn't have a mic at the time, but as I jumped around in glee I heard stang say "Omg Kibbles, Equip the staff so we can get a shot of that, too!". I stopped my leaps after remembering that I even had the second weapon, and then right clicked the icon.


At first, I was too happy to notice that I didn't have a staff on my back after clicking the weapon, but after repeated attempts I came to wonder why it wouldn't equip. In a fret I told everyone in the party "I can't equip it for some reason?", and after finally getting a hold of myself I decided to read the read text in the middle of my screen.


"It says I don't have proficiency with this item? What's that mea-" Failure. I was face palming with all the laughs from vent. We had to fly to Stormwind for the Staff shot. Good times (seriously though, what hunter trains staffs Pre BC????)


Edit: 17 pages back, but I found it.... http://forgottenprophets.com/index.php?showtopic=3143 lawl

Edited by Kibai

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LOL @ Chris. I think the thing about that night was that Dez did the same thing right before you didn't he? I was like "WTF is wrong with these Pallies???"

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i think the most idiotic thing i've ever done is respec and then forget to retrain all my crap... not very epic or momentous but i think i've kept all my truly epic fvckups in ffxi ><

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When i first starting playing wow, and had just gotten to lvl 60, i was invited to an onyxia run (thanks to one of my irl friends inviting me). I knew this was the opportunity that could really get me going in the raiding ranks. So of course, while we are waiting at ony, i'm dancing around, hopping and running, bored. I keep jumping back and forth, then, not watching, i realize i wasnt with the group anymore o.O, i was standing in the eggs :-D . Needless to say, i caused a wipe and was promptly kicked from the group. First raiding experience in wow, too!

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/Ninja Servo-Arm


...snoring on vent a little.


or when Garnok gave me a 2handed broom to use during Onyxia because I kept pulling agro and getting the group nuked by flame breath.


The classic days are so.... classic.

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One that always makes me giggle is back in the day when i first started playing, i was on my priest healing for a Serpent Shrine Caverns group. So we're going through the instance and every time the tank pulls a group I dot everything up and start healing. Now I had no idea what agro was back then and couldn't figure out why the mobs kept coming after me. And it would happen every group of mobs. Tank pulls, i dot, start healing, and like 2-3 mobs would come running after me and all i could think of was what a terrible tank this guy was.

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Haha most embarrassing WoW moment #2 getting Wailing Caverns and SSC confused xD

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Not quite on the same level as the raid wipes... but:



I was mid 40s on my pally and questing in Tanaris. I come across a ?? horde player (warrior I think) who is AFK. Now, this was shortly after the honor system was released so I remember thinking "Awesome! I'm going to get an HK and a LOT of contribution points out of this!" I started to smash the guy, doing only minor damage, but slowly but surely wearing him down. At about 30% hp, he pops up, whips around, and destroys me in 2 seconds flat. I made sure to pan the camera around and see if anyone else saw my epic failure. I was then camped for quite some time.



I tried to gank a hunter who was killing a few mobs. As I start attacking and get his HP pretty low, his pet finishes off a mob, he levels up, and then finishes me off.



I healed most of the raids I attended way back when with DPS gear on :grin:

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Shiki is making some fish/naga steamboats!!!

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Andrie I know your favorite moment...


It was in BT, we had just gotten close to killing Souls or Teron I think, and Andrie just types "That makes me want to throw a tortoise" or along those lines. I've never laughed so hard, it was just so random

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Shiki is making some fish/naga steamboats!!!


I'll make them tentacle proof just for you Andrie

Edited by Shikimaru

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LOL @ Chris. I think the thing about that night was that Dez did the same thing right before you didn't he? I was like "WTF is wrong with these Pallies???"


Me? Wipe a raid? Never happened.

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