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I need a topic for a debatable essay >.<


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Whats up my good man? I'll be around tonight if you wanna jump on vent again.


Deathknight information... Going to try and hit 80 on mine and I have no clue in hell what I should level as. I'm currently blood because it's the easiest spec to play. I've tried Unholy but it's a pain. >.<

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Deathknight information... Going to try and hit 80 on mine and I have no clue in hell what I should level as. I'm currently blood because it's the easiest spec to play. I've tried Unholy but it's a pain. >.<


Lots of changes for DK coming up. Blood now and with changes is probably the most 'keep you going' spec.

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If you're a sports person, you could go with one of my favorites.


"Should our national government be involved in the processes to attempt to remove cheating in the sports world through the use of performance-enhancing substances".


P.S.: If that doesn't work, go with a debate on why Stang needs to update his signature because he's still wearing T5 in it. Sooooo last year. ;)

Edited by Triggahapy

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Lots of changes for DK coming up. Blood now and with changes is probably the most 'keep you going' spec.


Is that an debatable essay topic? :cool:

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