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I need a topic for a debatable essay >.<


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Somebody mind throwing me out some ideas?


I need to write a formal essay about anything I can debate.


The example we had was "Should violence be allowed"

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Should we make our punishments for serious crimes more feared and less costly? What if torture was the punishment? Facial branding\tattooing? Loss of fingers\limbs? A punishment that people will truly fear having done to them. Seriously, jail time for rape, murder, or kidnapping? We have the technology to do it cheaper and more... brutally effective.


Lets go full bore and incorporate BattleBots with it! Ok sorry I'm getting carried away...

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blah blah Geneva convention blah blah cruel and unusual punishment blah blah

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Here are a couple of websites I used when I was looking for topics for papers in my Rhet and Comp class last semester:












Browse around a little bit. It's not hard to make almost any topic you choose debatable if you focus on a particular aspect of it.



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Should we make our punishments for serious crimes more feared and less costly? What if torture was the punishment? Facial branding\tattooing? Loss of fingers\limbs? A punishment that people will truly fear having done to them. Seriously, jail time for rape, murder, or kidnapping? We have the technology to do it cheaper and more... brutally effective.


Lets go full bore and incorporate BattleBots with it! Ok sorry I'm getting carried away...


I am totally for this. Brutal

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Should we make our punishments for serious crimes more feared and less costly? What if torture was the punishment? Facial branding\tattooing? Loss of fingers\limbs? A punishment that people will truly fear having done to them. Seriously, jail time for rape, murder, or kidnapping? We have the technology to do it cheaper and more... brutally effective.


Lets go full bore and incorporate BattleBots with it! Ok sorry I'm getting carried away...


I said that one today and the teacher said it's been done a bunch of times in the past. lol

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Somebody mind throwing me out some ideas?


I need to write a formal essay about anything I can debate.



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I said that one today and the teacher said it's been done a bunch of times in the past. lol


Something should be said for that or she's scared of the resulting debate that would entail.


If school is supposed to get you ready for the work place? How do underpaid teachers relate to overpaid bosses?

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A few ideas:


Should gay people be allowed to have children or to raise children?


Should torture be allowed against terrorists?


Should CEOs be allowed to have huge bonuses paid on short term peformance of companies?


Should Marijuana be legalized?


Should abortion be allowed for woman and at what age and in what circomstances?





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Why are there not more classes about personal finance when it's a skill and knowledge you use no matter your job or pay. In school that is, from like middleschool up.

Edited by dragonlgnd

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What sort of topic suggestion is "Should violence be allowed" might as well throw in "Should we do stuff sometimes"


Listen, if you're gonna debate then debate something interesting from a weird perspective, unless you don't want to do research. Then just pick a random topic that has been beaten to death ex: animal rights, terrorism, religion, or abortion etc.


For example, an interesting topic would be the Nuremberg trials...take the position that Nazis were retroactively being charged for crimes. It goes against the rule of law which is suppose to be the cornerstone of our modern justice system.


Or, if you're going to do an old topic like abortion then don't talk about woman's rights...talk about what rights the man has to stop an abortion if he wants the child.


Like I said, if you want an easy grade then just research a broad topic suggested above and pick a stance that coincides with what has been debated by someone else.

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Or, if you're going to do an old topic like abortion then don't talk about woman's rights...talk about what rights the man has to stop an abortion if he wants the child.


Vanin this one is a great suggestion I could write a lot on that with like you said some reasearch. I like your suggestion a lot.

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"DKP" <-- Gold!! :-D


Why is Socialism (or Communism) scary?


Is China doing Capitalism better than any other country on Earth? (WRT recent stimulus approaches.)


(US politics) Does either party act in the best interests of most Americans? (Or do both shamelessly favor a small minority at the expense of the rest?)


Why don't we just send the illegal immigrants home?


Someone already mentioned this one, and it's solid - "Too big to fail? Really?" AKA socialism/welfare for the rich...

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What sort of topic suggestion is "Should violence be allowed" might as well throw in "Should we do stuff sometimes"


Perspective audience. With an example like that you can only assume the teacher wants a paper to grade, not an idea.


Go go teaching!

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Oh, Joes... I kinda need your help with my dk.


Whats up my good man? I'll be around tonight if you wanna jump on vent again.

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"Why is Socialism (or Communism) scary?


Is there really someone still scared by socialism. I don't know but in Canada this is the least of our concerns in my opinion. Is this something scary in the US?


Is capitalism scary would be a more apprpriate question right now don't you think? :banana:

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Is there really someone still scared by socialism. I don't know but in Canada this is the least of our concerns in my opinion. Is this something scary in the US?


Is capitalism scary would be a more apprpriate question right now don't you think? :banana:

You'd think.

But you'd be amazed how many people in the US continue to exhibit a gut-level, negative reaction to the word. Think of "terrorist" or "Nazi" - The reaction you and I have to those is apparently similar to what a lot of folks get from "socialism".

I hear Americans (on discussion boards) actually equating socialsm to Nazism (ex. "Obama is a socialist. Remember what happened with Hitler, and all his socialist ideas?!")

Despite the fact that 99% of them spent much of the formative years of their life in socialist public schools, etc, etc.



(AFIK this anti-socialist conditioning is a uniquely American thing... Has anyone experienced anything similar elsewhere in the world?)


(Disclaimer - I've met many apparently well-adjusted and independant-thinking Americans too, so don't take it personally! lol)

Edited by Fatherpeteus

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No you're right Father. Majority of us pickup our pitchforks and get our american flag stickers out when someone mentions the word socialism.


Socialists and Nazis may as well be the same word to many of my countrymen.

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