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Gnerdy Gnews!


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Something I stumbled across during my browsing of Gizmodo. There's an article tracking downloads of pirated software from the pirate bay concerning the civility of the users. Which I find funny as all hell. The real funny comes from replies to the article. As in below:


Dan, please leave the inflammatory posting to me. It seems that I'm quite the expert at it, having stirred up a hornet's nest when people thought that I was truly blaming President Obama for not passing legislation to invalidate Apple's ban of Facebook in its stores on the grounds that such a ban is unconstitutional and that it rises to the level of Nazi fascism.


Chew on this one, folks:


"They can't shut down Pirate Bay because Pirate Bay is all about democracy with a capital D! If Micro$haft or Crapple wants my money, they can suck it because they don't do anything good for anyone. I hope that Steve Jobs chokes on his pancreas! The computer companies are the real thiefs because they take jobs and schools away from America and put them in India. They're a bunch of Nazis. Bill Gates is an asshole and he's never done anything good in his life and I hope that he catches cancer from Steve Jobs and dies a slow death just like Windows Vista. They're a giant monopoly playing off each other to screw America."


Is this a reasonable position to espouse? Can it be defended? Is capitalism akin to fascism?


And finally, am I serious?


The whole thing can be found here

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