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so while we're waiting... here's some stuff i've been working on. just basic song ideas so far, so dont expect full shiny songs.




Song 1: Not so heavy. 1 guitar, drums, kp on some carebear vocals.


Song 2: 1 guitar, drums, KP yelling about stuff again.


Song 3: Heavy stuff. 2 guitars, drums, kp on some berserker rage shit on vocals. oh and i sampled some feedback and messed with it to do that "woosh" sound in the transition. I think creamer played this on vent a while back.


Song 4: MmMmMmm metal. 2 guitars, drums, no KP vocals


and they have a retarded hourly bandwidth cap, but im not paying money on that stuff so... if you cant listen i guess just wait till later LOL


pretty basic, so dont hate.. :o) without bass, music sounds really one dimensional but again. this is basic song ideas. These are projects im currently working on that im happy with the direction they are going. kinda just got em recorded so i wouldnt forget wtf i was doing. and the end of most of these either cuts off or goes to crap.. like on Song 3.. 1:35 and past is just trash i didnt cut off before i mixed it down to mp3..


geocities website.. i dunno what the bandwidth allowance is for downloads. so if you get cock blocked try again in an hour lol

Edited by Skadie

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yeah, the website is pretty shabby.


it may say that when bandwidth cap is reached. :(

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