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i want to hear a story of yuor wow adventures

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skee is sad, i dont get to see what u all doing or the progress you making, i hear tiny tid bits here and there but it doesnt paint a mental picture, ill be back soon puter is coming and i count the days i see the fine hellos to skee but until then im left in the dark... so im asking if you can in some small ways help me see whats going on, guess im asking to see teh creative sides of you all


thanks skee

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Well, Siege got a shiny epic helm, learned to use photoshop and made the sig below. We've gotten up to Shazzrah in MC, and we're going to continue on Friday, and maybe, just maybe, get to Barron Gheddon. :wink:


Sorry nobody else replied to you. sad.gif

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These next few weeks are going to be hard for me to play WoW.


Exams, assignments, an online class I still haven't watched the lectures for...lol

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