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Anyone know of a site online I can watch the inauguration? I'm at work, and would love to avoid burning a half day to go home and watch it.

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Yeah, that's not working for me. I just get a message that says, "Connecting to Stream. Live video will be available shortly." And its been saying that for 15 minutes, so not too promising.

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I took the day off so I could watch the whole thing.


People can bother me with their computer problems tomorrow.

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Shoutcast is ass right now. I can't get a steady stream on any NPR station. :-(

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my dad sent me a text to point out when obama stumbled during his swear in -_-

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my dad sent me a text to point out when obama stumbled during his swear in -_-


I saw that. lol


Anyways, It was a very powerful speech. Idk, There is something about Obama that just makes his words impact you more.

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I cried about 5 times during the whole process. Not bawling, but tears- happy tears =') It was all so touching.

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Even though I am Canadian I watched the speech and was deeply touched. I believe Obama is no bullshitter.

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I do have to say that it was a good speech, but all politicians do is make promises in speeches that they either can't / won't keep, they get a 20% keep ratio , the good ones more, the bad ones less. It's the same for all politicians, I've stopped kidding myself that the one I picked is different from the others.



Also though, for some reason I really do think Obama will do well, and be one of our better Presidents, I look forward to his first term.

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I didn't get to watch the whole speech because of class, but from what I saw, it didn't seem like he was making any fantastic promises. More like, the American people need to pull their socks up and be prepared for more hard times if they want to get out of this mess.


Also, he got totally hosed on the oath. Not his fault if the dude swearing him in jumbles up the words.

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I liked the speech until hours of speech analysis began in my classes ><!!!

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Few links I've seen recently that have been interesting.


Obama-meter Top Promises


He didn't waste any time putting a freeze on Gitmo.


10 Questions About the Economic Stimulus Bill


And finally, a little anti-humor from our humorous friends.

Surviving the Obama Comedy Crisis


Sam Means, writer, “The Daily Show”:


How do I plan to survive the Obama years? Law school.


Just another President with hopes, dreams and promises at this point.


Oh and my personal favorite.. A little Presidential Protection

Edited by Joesf

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