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I got a second tanking weapon last night, and I'm not totally sure which one is over all better, I'm thinking one of them Ill use most of the time, and the second one Ill use on the harder hitting bosses, where I need a little more avoidance. One sword is from heroic UP , the other from Gothik in Naxx ( 10 man) I really surprised at how close they are on stats, and actually the one from Naxx has lower stats in some regards.


http://thottbot.com/i37401 would be the sword I'd normally use.


http://thottbot.com/i39344 Is the sword I'd use for the harder hitting bosses.


Just lookin for some thoughts.


Also, how do I link an item so all you have to do is mouse over it and itll show the item?

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Well, here's what I think. I know I'm not a pally but you guys are a lot closer to the way warriors tank then Bears or DKs.


First of all:

4.92 Defense Rating = 1 Defense Skill

1 Defense Skill = 0.04% Miss + 0.04% Dodge + 0.04% Parry + 0.04% Block


Red Sword of Courage:

+25 Str

+58 Stam

Defense +38 (7.7 actual)

Hit rating +26 (0.8 actual)


Slayer of Lifeless

+29 Str

+57 Stam

Defense +25 (5.1 actual)

Dodge +26 (0.7 actual)

Hit rating +19(0.6 actual)


I like to balance avoidance and stamina on my warrior. I would use the Slayer of Lifeless because you'd only lose 10 effective health and gain in avoidance (with dodge). The hit rating loss is negligible. I'm not sure if it's the same for pallies but for warriors 2str = 1 block value, so with Slayer of Lifeless you'll gain a little bit of block value (which is effective avoidance).


Overall, the only reason I'd choose Red Sword of Courage is if I am having difficulty hitting the defense cap or I just gained a new item and my defense cap is lowered.



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With each epic I'm gaining I'm losing a little defense here and there, and it's starting to add up quick and make hitting the defense cap harder and harder really, but I can finagle a few more points.

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This is a bit off topic, but I'm curious and the tanks would know. I've heard the Titansteel Shield Wall is being removed in the next patch, is this just the recipe or will the actual item be removed (i.e. if you have one crafted already will it be gone after the patch)?


On topic, I have sought counsel and agree with the lawyer.

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Blizz hasnt removed an item before that people already had, so I can't imagine they will, cause there will be lots of pissed off people probably just the recipe.

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With each epic I'm gaining I'm losing a little defense here and there, and it's starting to add up quick and make hitting the defense cap harder and harder really, but I can finagle a few more points.


First off, nice use of finagle


Second, I was playing around in northrend last friday (10 day trial) and I have a quick question about Pally tanking now. Are slower weapons better now because of the new shield of the righteous talent or w.e (instant cast, close-range avenger's shield). It's based on weapon damage and seems like an important part of the rotation now (just guessing I've been out for a while).

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