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The thought has been swimming around in my head for awhile and after tonight's sunwell clear I am really considering putting a few raids together.


Every boss in the instance was laughable. Except for Eredar Twins, so read up on the fight and some on Felmyst. Other then that I can hold your hand through the rest of the instance. I think we killed M'uru within 1 min 30 seconds or something ridiculous like that. Kil'jaeden seemed to have minor AE damage and he died easily. It's a cool fight and I want as many people as possible to be able to witness it.


So I'll post a date sometime after tuesday but I just thought I would make a post to stir up some interest.


Also I think there is going to be a lot of interest in this and not everyone will be able to get into the raid, if I say no to you, no hard feelings :), ill try to get you in the next week.




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Yea, I've been talking about the raid with some of my guildies and the interest is definitely high.


So It has to be on an off night and most convenient to everyone. So before I say the date, I just wanted to hear some of the best possible days that people would be available for.


Hi Memphis :)



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We aren't doing 25s for the next 2 weeks due to Christmas and the FP party. If it's scheduled then, you will most likely have all the takers you need to fill any open spots.

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Your raid nights are very much like ours, so I don't think that will be much of a problem.


So I think I might wait until after Christmas, but maybe before new years. Not official yet but hows Monday the 29th for everyone? Most likely at prime time so 7ish.



Edited by Faustuss

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I've barely seen the inside of Sunwell and BT. if you guys need a sexy holy/disc priesty.. def. look me up! i'd love to go thrash some old school stuff up for fun. Axiom never did down C'thun, so i'd love to tear up AQ40 at some point too, if you guys would ever do that.


My Armory


I've got my Full T2, Benediction and Essence Focuser on right now. my sister got chosen in the lottery for the WoW figurines., so i have to equip the gear i want for my model. she is doing it for me for my x-mas present!! woot.


but yeh im at something like 2100 self buffed SP, 700+ mp/5 or something. and I always brings feasts and oils and pots and whatnot, so I usually show up around 2200 sp on my own.


let a bruvva know! fpftmfw

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