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Continuing with the smashing success that was this evenings naxx run, I am planning to get another group together on saturday!


Group composition will be the same as tonight's: 2 tanks, 3 healers and a variety of 5 dps.


If you would like to come you are more than welcome to do so! Please post here if interested =)


Hope to see you there!

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we're prob gonna be short on healers... as usual.


STANG! I'm making you my new MH! now ditch your naxx group! =P

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lol now if only


1) This was an "official" FP raid

2) I had some idea how to use the sign up page

3) We didn't have some very skilled non FP healers and tanks comming =P

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Well, I definitely don't want to be cut by Ryee, but the raid sign-up page has been messed up :( but I'm definitely down for some 10 man naxx :)

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Whoa whoa whoa. Whoa.


Krotas = keynight?




Anyway, it's unlikely I will be attending, unfortunately.

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Whoa whoa whoa. Whoa.


Krotas = keynight?




Anyway, it's unlikely I will be attending, unfortunately.




I spent the entire night explaining fights and you never knew i was krotas? hahahaha

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I'm prot Krotas ( as some others mentioned) but I'm a noob and totally forgot I was going on this run and helped a Vind run last night >.< Sorry , next week Ill be sure to not to promise myself and then lie =/


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turn in your shield sir!


We the council require you to pay penance and respec to retribution for a week!

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turn in your shield sir!


We the council require you to pay penance and respec to retribution for a week!

Only paladins can require fellow paladins to pay penance of any kind, you sir have over stepped your bounds. And since the Pally CL is .... absent.... from the forums DL is pretty set.


Besides, I'm pretty sure he was with the wife. Which I think is a decent excuse.

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