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Hey FP.


I know most of you know Stang as well as anyone, but I interviewed him last night for a new Skullcrusher community site that's been put together. Each week or every few weeks I plan on doing one of these. Stang was just my first victim.


So, the site can be found here and Stang's interview can be found here. Any feedback, comments or suggestions are welcome, both for my section as well as the main site.


Thanks, and enjoy. We had some laughs!



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Haha that was a fun read


Right. I’m not really a child molesting, homosexual maniac. And the secret is I really, truly don’t want to go out there and fondle all you 400lb sweaty boys. I’m not really into it but it is my shtick and I keep doing it. It’s more fun to me to see the reaction of some people because they get so grossed out or it throws them for a loop. It’s just something to make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Or downstairs. One or the other.

this made me LOL a lot

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This is an EXCELLENT edit.




He kept saying you'd kill him so I'm thinking, "Uhh... maybe I'll just leave this bit out of the written part."

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tom's quote brings the name nendiven to mind

Edited by Erlin

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Wait a second.. Gynis is your boyfriend?!






























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Wait a second.. Gynis is your boyfriend?!





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go go rainbow tabard! rofl


ooh gimme one, but make mine the one with the browns and greys and the big paw on the top left... bear flag FTW! <3 bearses

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^ It's true. Y'all could do the whole Barbara Walters 10 Most Fascinating People (of Skullcrusher) lol


Loved the interview as well.. I learned so much.. about shoe sizes ^.^

Edited by Memphis

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