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I went to see In Flames with All that Remains, Gojira and 36 Crazy fists last week. It was awesome, unfortunately, Only for the weaks was not on their playlist. This tour is currently hitting the states for those who like that type of music.


Here is a link to an amateur video of the show:


In Flames Montreal November 6, 2008


Quality is not great but it gives an idea of what it was.

Edited by Aigle

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Metal FTW!... I can't stand Rap / Hip Hop.. Ablsolutely no musical talent.

Using a synthesizer and a grammatically incorrect moron behind a mic does not impress me.

Show me some screaming guitars, kick ass drums, thumping bass lines any day.

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Yay a thread for us metal heads... all 3 1/2 of us T_T


<-- resident Metal Head \nn/.


fun fact about KP.. my band opened up for 36 CF back in 2004 when they were touring for their album "bitterness the star". those guys are nuts.. all i have to say about them is blunts, beer, really cool guys.. but their roadie was behind their trailer messing around with these mindless girls that must have seriously been like 16 years old. no kidding.


my band was called In the Dark. local band in N. VA. opened for candiria, atreyu, Kittie (those chix are soooo friggin cool).. chimaira... good times *RAWK*


here's my profile on www.bandmix.com. musician meeting site board thingy Check me out y'all lolI fixed the link... lol *clix0r here plx*


editing for typo's.. we hates typo's precious

Edited by Killerpriest

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omg, last year i was at an Opeth concert with In Flames and Dark Tranquility and Devon Townsend (used to be in Strapping Young Lad) That was the best concert ever. All the bands were amazing live!! I'm a HUGE Opeth fan, and In Flames and Dark Tranq are just under them on my list.... nice to see some other metal heads in guild <3

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......i hate you so much, Devin Townsend is hands down my favorite musician and i've seen at least 3 SYL concerts but he never comes to Georgia with the DTB


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Killer can you make a living out of our music? I'm asking cause my son is seriouly considering dedicating his life to music... :wallbash:


BTW I love your demo it's really good.

Edited by Aigle

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The best you can hope to do with the heavier types of metal is a middle class lifestyle. Then you have bands like In Flames, who have learned to cater to the mainstream, that are doing quite well for themselves. For the most part though, if you are playing in a metal band, you are working a full or part-time job on the side.


If he wants to dedicate his life to music, he should consider trying to become a popular music writer. There is big money there if you have the talent and can deal with writing candy-coated music all the time. Or he could try and become a session musician, which is extremely difficult to do but looks rewarding. It is also worth looking into recording / production.

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Or he could post up flyers for guitar lessons and peddle 8 balls on the side; pretty much the same kinda cash you get from being in a metal band lol

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Killer can you make a living out of our music? I'm asking cause my son is seriouly considering dedicating his life to music... :wallbash:


BTW I love your demo it's really good.


LOL Ravenheart.. i don't recommend the 8 balls as supplimental income lol


Aigle.. thanks for the compliment!!! :grin: i'll probably post some more up there at some point...


I'll try and keep this short, but it's def not easy to make a living off this kind of music. I don't recommend trying to make playing/performing music in general your sole means on income, esp, this genre. If you are considering it, get into production as well like hvilelos said.


If you have a decent local scene, and some money to spend, buy a small office building. convert it into a studio/practice space(s). If you are in an area where you would bother neighboring businesses: During the day operate as a sound proofed recording studio, after hours you rent the offices spaces out as a loud as hell practice space for bands to rent by the hour.


this would give you money, and your band a place to practice and a recording studio to record. cant ask for much more than that.


Studio musicians are a dime a dozen unfortunately, and so many of them are super skilled and schooled so competition is high and its a who-you-know business, moreso than an open market, which is unfortunately a big part of the music business. getting in with the club owners to book shows, booking agents, A&R record reps.. blah blah..


but if its personally rewarding, you cant put a price tag on it. but dont quit your day job lol

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This is good advice I hope my son gets education in other stuff and work hard at his dream to have a successful metal band. If it happens it's all cool if not he can do it as a hobby.

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