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What would the goin rate be for a month with me sailing around the greek isles on my 120 ft yacht sipping crissi ?



Edit: minus the ball gags that is..

Edited by Eluneschild

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Steps to get a girl at a grocery store.

1) Wait till dark in the parking lot

2) Find a girl and go up and ask her "Hey does this rag smell like chloroform?"

3) ?????

4) Profit

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Steps to get a girl at a grocery store.

1) Wait till dark in the parking lot

2) Find a girl and go up and ask her "Hey does this rag smell like chloroform?"

3) ?????

4) Profit


This is how I get all of my women. Against popular belief I'm not actually seeing anyone in new york there's merely a girl who falls for the trick everytime, and that's why I stay around.



As long as the body's warm right? Right.

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my kinda thinkin...



... so Soma... what are YOU up tp this weekend? *wink*


Looks like I'll be in my bunk.


P.S. How do you safeword when gagged? Does it turn into like "if I snap my fingers..."?

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Looks like I'll be in my bunk.


lol, again

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igor dammit not only do i know where you live i could walk to your house and kick you in the junk and be back home in time for oprah

Prove it...




Nothing is more satisfying than posing a challenge at someone else's expense :tongue:

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Btw Scott, you still have yet to escape out of the cargo box!





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I like the much more direct approach like "I like your ***S and want to lick you in places you didn't know you had".... although it rarely works :P

Edited by readyakira

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Construction worker #1 to hot girl: Damn baby, did it hurt? You know, when you fell from heaven?

Hot girl: (looks back and rolls her eyes)

Construction worker #2: Your name must be Candy 'cause you look so sweet!

Hot girl: (looks back and rolls her eyes again, laughing a little)

Construction worker #3: Nice shoes, wanna fuck?

Hot girl (laughs hysterically): That's gotta be the best I've ever heard!


--65th & Broadway


Overheard by: Right to the point. Nice.

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i had a customer ask to look down my shirt a few days ago. i was going to let it go because he was asking to look at my tattoo, which is fine... but then he smirked and asked me "so, do people ask you that a lot?"


the fvck? the hell is wrong with all of you? oh /swoon, now that you've asked me how often people want to look down my shirt... well, you're obviously a choice life partner. let's do it on the counter in the store! &@*$6&$2𕁰SHFJ


i've also had a customer outright ask to look at my rack (he knows they're fake and i guess that inspires curiosity in some people) but he's a regular and i find him more amusing than offensive.

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How about this one:


Guy: "Excuse me, is your name 'Rose'?"

Doll: "Nope"

Guy: "That's okay, by any other name you would look just as sweet."

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How about this one:


Guy: "Excuse me, is your name 'Rose'?"

Doll: "Nope"

Guy: "That's okay, by any other name you would look just as sweet."

That is horrendously adorable, I didn't think you had it in you Soma.



Shakespear for the save. =)

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soma, you should know you don't need permission to peek down my shirt <3


$3900, all financed. saline, under the muscle, blah blah blah


i don't want to be a booger :/ ben got a piece of rice stuck in his nasal cavity at dinner last night though, it was lulz

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