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if you're standing out back unloading a truck full of beer smoking a cigarette and you see a woman walk by with a bag of trash, do not pull your cigarette out of your mouth and say:


"what's a pretty lady like you doing taking out the trash?"


the reply should and might be "oh, i'm sorry. did you need a ride? there's room in the bag for you."


this is seriously the second time in 7 days someone has used that line on me. two different people! WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH ALL OF YOU?! THIS SH!T DOES NOT WORK. L2FLIRT.





p.s. it was recycling, not trash. lol@u

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first off, conversation is conversation...which for some is startin off on a better foot than alot of dudes..



would u prefer that sly smile with a hint of mischeif instead? ;) haha





edit: props for trying to make the world a better place. need more people to get off their fat ass's and recycle.

Edited by Eluneschild

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Although, you prolly could've flirted with the dude and gotten a few free 12 pack or somethin.



/tar eluneschild


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what's a pretty girl like you doing making a post like this?



Igor wins this thread. I had to contain laughter as my boss walked by xD

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free beer...is free beer :D


besides money spent on that beer that you woulda paid for could now be spent on gas...or food ...or rent. w/e



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In related do's and don't's of picking up women one of my friends recently told me how to determine if a girl is single based on the items in her shopping cart. Something I'm sure JT has tried many a time.


And yes, Vanin's reply is fantastic.

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what if he said he when your done taking that junk out u can coem back here and take mine out

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In related do's and don't's of picking up women one of my friends recently told me how to determine if a girl is single based on the items in her shopping cart. Something I'm sure JT has tried many a time.


And yes, Vanin's reply is fantastic.




haha, dude you'd be surprised how many times i've started talkin to a woman i thought was single in the frozen foods section only to have her BF/husband to come walkin around the corner 30 seconds later..





Lemon you watch oprah?

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haha, dude you'd be surprised how many times i've started talkin to a woman i thought was single in the frozen foods section only to have her BF/husband to come walkin around the corner 30 seconds later..





Lemon you watch oprah?



My friend the method is actually very simple. So here's the story:


My friend is in the grocery store, and he sees a girl down the isle. He pulls his shopping cart next to hers and begins to examine the items in her cart. After about 15 seconds, he leans over to her and says, "So your single too?" To which she says, "Wow, that's amazing you could figure that out by looking at the items in my cart." He immediately responds, "Its not because of the items in your cart, its cause your Fucking ugly." Then walks away.


There you have it JT; the surefire way to tell if a girl is single at the grocery store.




*Note this is only a joke, and I would hope nobody would be dumb enough to ever say that.

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^ this


and no, i don't watch oprah, but if i did i could still manage a leisurely stroll over to igor's to abuse him and have plenty of time to watch tom cruise jump on a sofa or whatever the hell happens on that show now


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What's it gonna take to get a pretty girl like you naked and covered in latex?


chinese food and tequila so i have the balls to peel it all off


geez soma, i though we'd been over that already


(i'll PM you my hourly rates)

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chinese food and tequila so i have the balls to peel it all off


geez soma, i though we'd been over that already


(i'll PM you my hourly rates)


Hourly rates? You'll pay me to photograph you in compromising, naked, latexy positions, minus the cost of food and booze? You're on!


And I did some shots of Blanco tequila recently - really good stuff, and I hate shots.

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