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For all those who attended the Hyjal raids tonight, you are free to ask me for gems for gear that you acquired during the raid. Also remember that we still have Archimonde to finish off, and then we are heading to SSC after.


Also, here are the WWS (Wow Web Stats) from the Black temple Raid (First night only) and the Hyjal raid.


Hyjal Raid


Black Temple Raid


Ill edit this post if i have any further information on upcoming Vindictive/FP raids.


Also you can contact me in-game, on vent (the gay bar!), or either this forum or Vindictive.



Edited by Faustuss

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As a side note, confirmed they didn't nerf Hyjal, so we not bad for a PUG =P



"Hey.. they all have the same health.. Archimonde's at 4 and a half million.. are we sure this got nerfed? Oh F it."


<333 Thank you Kyle and friends!

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Please read/watch some sort of Archimonde tutorial. The more you know the easier it is for me and the faster we can get to SSC. I plan on bringing VERY little melee to this fight, but I will balance it back out for SSC.


Oh and should I have grouper or steaks for dinner?



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Well, the server went down at 20 after or so. Right as I was about to start invites.


Raid is delayed until later tonight, I will post a time shortly (expected 30 mins-1 hour).


I'm on Vindictive vent if you have any questions.



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8:30 server time (if the server is up) is when we will resume the raid.


Skullcrasher ftl =/...figures.


Hopefully it's up at 8:30.

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maybe the server will be back up by then

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I have horde character on dragonmaw and it's never been down since the expansion wtf is wrong with SC?

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The realm has been around since day 1, not that I was there or anything. It's just that the hardware is old, and now that many people are coming back since the patch and wrath is coming out soon its overwhelming.



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You think hardware is older on SC than on Dragonmaw and that this is the cause of problems with SC?

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Then because we have been playing since day one, therefore paying Blizzard since day one, we are stuck with old hardware and no access to our realm, if it is the case this is really stupid.

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If they were to actually invest in new hardware and upgrade SC, the realm could be offline for as long as an entire week - as opposed to the odd few hours now and then?

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