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Correct =( sakx did...


all i have is my PvPgear


my 70 druid only has his Soulbound stuff


and my 52 shaman is waving his package in my face at the char screen naked as could be..


took everything been waiting for 4 hours atm for a GM to talk to me but i think they're avoiding me


my computer is in the shop getting it's harddrive wiped ='/


friend brought over his PC for me so i could try to get my items back




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that really sucks, i had my account hacked, i feel for you bro,



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Transferring over to Mannoroth with me, Corkie and Pykan would totally make you feel better Sakx :>

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I figured there had to be some reason for all the BS going on with your PC.

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><" I'm sorry sweetie! .. I hope they get back to you soon, with things calming down from this last patch (kind of) it should be a little bit shorter wait time than it was a few days ago. Keep us updated hun! <33333

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That sucks Sakx...


Just hit me up if you need gold or help with stuff. I know how you feel dude.

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Transferring over to Mannoroth with me, Corkie and Pykan would totally make you feel better Sakx :>


LAWL, I think Teslademon may come back for WoTLK and transfer to mannoroth.. lawl newfie crew reunion.

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