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Just a tip for all the Bloodsail Admirals that aren't tank-types lol.. you might want to group up for the trick or treat thing.. if you're after the achievement. The thing you click is right in the middle of the inn = mad aggro.


Other than that, everything looks pretty fun so far! <333333





That is all..



and YES.. it is 5am >.>

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Halloween's the best holiday ever.


I'd trade in my birthday for a second Halloween each year.


What's weird is I've been playing WoW for three years now, but this'll be the first Hallows' End I've been around for. Color me EXCITED!

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Yep... I've been working my ass off to get one of thoses. I've seen two drop and I've lost both rolls each time. It just sucks.

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Is this correct, that there is one flaming horse drop and based on your riding skill/zone it will be 60% mount 100% mount 60% flying 280% flying? or are there two drops one for normal one for epic?

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thats how the broomstick works shad.


the horse is 280% flying

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i was only half right.

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Halloween's the best holiday ever.


I'd trade in my birthday for a second Halloween each year.

My anniversary with Amy is Hollow's Eve :cool:

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