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Long story short. So ages ago when I was still alliance, I had a NE hunter named Fyn. When I found out around level 23ish that I couldn't have a Devilsaur as a pet, I deleted her.


This is no longer so! And I do indeed finally have my favorite creature in the entire World of Warcraft as a pet.




I'm rather excited. I wanted to name it something related to Jurassic Park initially, but the name's too long, so I'm left undecided! This doesn't matter much anymore since a scribe can help me change it any time, but I'm still not sure what to call him, so help me out!


So far, I've come up with:



Anyylsauras (you forum kids will get this of course)

DrGrant (another Jurassic Park reference)


Suggestions please! Have fun with it.

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rawfullcawptur at your alt names, hahaha, titsprinkles? genius.

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Ahaha, uhh, that's an IRC joke, lol.


Tittysprinkles was the original word but that's too long to be a name.

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RaptrJesus it is then.




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Hahaha. That's not a bad one. It's technically not a raptor, though.

Edited by Lyyna

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I actually think I need to call it Zenkosaurus.


Zenko's been one of my closest friends in WoW for quite some time and I've named characters or pets after pretty much everyone except him. He pointed this out to me just a bit ago.


Guilt trip, ftl!

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I vote for Zenkosaurus.

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I vote for Zenkosaurus.


It does have rather a nice ring to it. And I love Dave anyway, so I'd totally name it after him if he wanted me to!

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