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Battlestar Galactica


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With the TV show posts, I felt left out since I dont watch those two.


OMG BSG is awesome


WHO is the last Cylon!


I finished season 3, cant wait to start s4, but it's not out on DVD yet!

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Well there are some new rumors online about that Matt. It seems there are some interesting names in the end credits for some of the last shows.



As we reported before, William Adama's son Zak appears in the last few episodes — either because he's the last Cylon or because it's a flashback. But also, Xeno Fenner, the foreman of that fuel refining ship where Tyrol led a strike, also appears in the last episode. Could this be because there's a last-minute crisis on the fuel refining ship? Or because he gets drafted into the final battle? Or... because he's the final Cylon???


Also, Crewman Specialist Prosna, a deckhand who dies in the first miniseries when his compartment is on fire and gets vented, is in the second-to-last episode. (A flashback? Final Cylon? You decide.)


And the marine, Nowart, who appeared briefly in the most recent episodes, shows up in a bunch of upcoming episodes. As usual with IMDB listings, slight grain of salt is indicated.


I doubt it's someone obscure like random marine #5, or even Xeno, but Zak Adama would be interesting. If he was on another ship or a Cylon ship. After all, Joseph Adama was the Cylon creators attorney/friend. It would make since that an Adama ended up being one.

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Makes no sense for it to be Zak Adama because barring some weird events I'm pretty sure he was born from the same female as Apollo.

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They could have switched him. They haven't explained how Tye has been around all those decades. /shrug

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I'd be a little disappointed if were someone this obvious, but keep in mind that in "the dream", it's Sharon, the Eight, and Rosalyn all sharing the vision. Unless the dream is a red herring of sorts, it's an uncanny connection, pointing to what could be the true Cylonic nature of Mme. President.




I need to re-watch last season!

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the last cylon is the Galactica the ship!. It's not in the fraking ship, it is the fraking ship!

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the last cylon is the Galactica the ship!. It's not in the fraking ship, it is the fraking ship!



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<--needs to watch this show




I was thinking Rosilyn too, but 'red herring' is a distinct possibility...Or it's a 'I'm in ur cylon hedz makin ur profesees tru' kinda thing. She was taking a 'mind altering' drug for her cancer.

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Lol, Tom. xD


Dude. Ben. Stop. Reading. This. Thread. Now! I hope we didn't ruin anything for you! =X

I've got the DVDs, you and anyone else be welcome to come watch a marathon of them here! ^_^

Edited by Demetricus

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the last cylon is the Galactica the ship!. It's not in the fraking ship, it is the fraking ship!


















(lol! xD)

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