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So when i downloaded the patch it almost seemed like there was 2 of them, it did the whole downloading thing twice on each computer, so not sure what that's about. I also noticed while looking at the patch notes, that this is not the current beta, I know some of the paladin stuff is different than it is in beta, ( mostly AS having a .5 second cast time, instead of a 0second cast time which is pretty much orgasmic) I'm not sure what else isn't up to the current.


I also noticed while reading the patch notes, that nothing got removed , titles or quests to get them, and it didn't mention the bear mount was removed, this could mean that they won't be removed until WOTLK actually comes out, or a little patch just before it, if this is the case, that's awesome.


Oh yea, with the instances having reduced stats, who's up for a little raiding??? =) I know +healing is going to drop, but the base effect of all healing spells went up, plus with the DPS increase, and the lower HP of bosses, they should drop like Gryph in a wedding dress fighting Gar ( not that that would EVER happen)



P.S.- OH yea! the barber shops are in game now too... so Vanin, shave your back, and Trev, shave the fro!

Edited by dragonlgnd

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They usually have at least a handful of things that they don't list in the patch notes. It wouldn't surprise me if that was the case with titles.

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they should drop like Gryph in a wedding dress fighting Gar



DL, I'm not sure what this means but it's going in the Sig

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I think I mispelled it, we did an MC last night, and lets just say it was interesting seeing Gryph tank ....



but I like it added to you sig, it has a certain... manliness to it.


You could be right Shad, and I wouldn't be surprised if so, but they made sure to mention the bear mount would be removed so that it would remain an item of meaning, and that every 80 wouldn't have it, so I'm thinking they would mention it if they did, but then again they might not want to mention it.

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Here are some notes! Well, not notes, just things that are changing!


Existing content changes

Before any question, please read the Patch 3.0.2 FAQ on official forums


Once this patch is deployed, the following content will be disabled or removed :


The Atiesh quest-chain will not be completable anymore.

The Bear Mount from Zul'aman will no longer drop.

The Onyxia quest-chain has been removed from the game.

Naxxramas is "removed" from the game and moved to Dragonblight. (Unreachable until WotLK, obviously)

The ability to get titles related to Tier 4 or Tier 5 content is being removed. Of course, players who got them before the patch keep them. (Hand of A'dal, Champion of the Naaru)


Also, a few things are being changed or added :


Barbershops are now available in capital cities !

Achievements are being added to the game !

The amount of experience needed to level from 60 to 70 has been lowered.

New graphical effects are being added to the game, including the new shadow engine

The Stormwind Harbor will be available, but you won't be able to travel to Northrend until the release of WotLK. However it does have a working boat travelling between Auberdine and Stormwind.

The Caverns of Time have been slightly modified to add an entrance for CoT: Stratholme. The instance itself won't be available before WotLK, only the entrance is being added.

Mounts and Vanity Pets are now trainable spells and the old items will be used to teach you these spells. Once a mount or pet is learned you can access it through the Character Panel.

Various tokens like Badges of Justice or Honor Points are all merged in the new Token Interface. It will also remove the Badges of Justice and PvP Tokens from your bags to free up even more space !

The in-game Calendar used to schedule raids or events between your friends and guildmate will be available by typing /calendar


Item changes


+Healing and +Spell damage stats are being merged into a single +Spell power stat. Healers' talents and spells have been updated accordingly to compensate this change.

Items with magic school-specific damage like +shadow or +nature have been converted to +spell power as well. This include most of the TBC items except for some enchantments like Sunfire or Soulfrost.

Protection Paladin and Tanking Warrior sets to reflect changes on the new mechanics. A lot of non set items are also being changed. See this post.


Raid changes


Raids buffs, debuffs, and auras stacking have been revamped, please check this post for more information and our raid composition simulation tool to see how it works now.

All TBC raid monsters will have their health reduced by about 30%.

The standard melee damage output will be reduced as well.

Boss abilities remain unchanged, except for Illidan who won't use Shear anymore.

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@ the original concern:


Blizzard has (and probably will continue) to release incorrect patch notes on launch, especially when the patch has undergone as many builds as this one has.

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You'll be AFKing in a bad movie?.....




wait.. did you mean Barber Shop 1 or Barber Shop 2?

Edited by dragonlgnd

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Barber shop where I'll be spending my time afking from now on.



You know white people run that barber shop right? XD

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this thread is such a c#@k tease.

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This patch makes me want to go back to Alliance for all the retroactive achievements!

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Lyyna, when will you come back to our vent server and whisper sweet nothings into my ear? Either that or take Corkie down a peg from his pedestal.

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Haha, I've been playing Live a lot the last few days, actually, I've just not been on a Vent. I can pop back on yours if you'd like to have me there.


And what about Corkie? Did he inflate his head a little more with his smackdown of Fusashi?

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