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I find myself one quest away from completing my BC attunements, and the titles (and achievements) that go with them. Unfortunately, that one quest requires a 25 man raid that barely anyone does at this point, and the opportunity will be gone with Tuesday's patch. Since I've had no luck finding a Mag group so far this week on my own, I'm asking for a little help from you guys. I would hate to lose out on an achievement that I am so close to, so if anyone knows of a group or would be willing to help me run one, it would be much appreciated.

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Patch 3.0.2 comes out Tuesday, I think that was just announced at Blizzcon. So there will probably be a bunch of people doing small raids to test out things afterwards!

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I need to do it before the patch though, since the titles are no longer available afterward. :pinch:



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So there will probably be a bunch of people doing small raids to test out things afterwards!


I'm pretty sure she needs it before Tuesday and thats what she's looking for. That said, Breaca , We are trying to get a group together for it tonight. I'll let you know how it goes.




Edit: lol at being 1 min to late posting, hey whoever said nice guys dont finish last?

Edited by Eluneschild

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What title is this for?



Champion of the Naaru, I believe it was the Tempest Keep attunement chain.

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If you have the title, you keep it, but the ability to get it is going to be gone. At least that's what I got from everything I've read.


And both Champion of the Naaru and Hand of A'dal are achievements.

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can't get atiesh after tuesday either! =((

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Got it done tonight, thanks to everyone who came and helped me out. :happy:


And Dragon, I'm totally down for MC on my hunter, I just attuned her last night!

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What about TF??? that's an achievement too, sooooo.... MC run???

TF/Sulf aren't being removed. Atiesh is because the instance is changing to lvl 80.

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I certainly don't mind going, and I'm sure someone can play Gryph in case the other binding drops.



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good thing plumpy never had your account info then matt! lol

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plumpy was the first person i knew who would park your character in the middle of nowhere and either destroy your hearthstone or set it to someplace else remote. i dunno if he came up with that or got it from tom, lol.

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Todd.... that bastard!! >.<


<--- logged in the middle of Undercity w/ no gear and NO hearth. Thanks douche! xD

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