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Hey guys, i have a lvl 52 warriors.. really just want to have him be a beastly tank eventually.


i have Ardent Custodian and Wall of the dead epic tanking set. but didnt do much tanking with it, as ive been power-levelling him with my 70 mage on a 2nd account, which ill prolly do until 58 or so when i can get into ramparts.


i've got minimal experience with tanking, so im kinda just lookin for anyone that does and who wouldnt mind taking a few minutes and throwin a few tips my way (spec, armor, stats, weapons) , so i dont have to sort thru all kinds of forums with people arguing about crap. and calling me a noob lol ;)


from what i understand fast weapons with stats are good, because they generate more rage and aggro with more hits, as opposed to big dmg? and what exactly is defense? lol does it help with mitigation like armor does?


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OMG just search for any thread that Aigle started! :)


And look in the warrior forums! Gosh!

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On your character page in WoW, look at the "Defenses" stats beside your base stats (you may need to toggle from Melee to Defenses to see your Defense, Dodge, Block, etc). Mouse over the Defense number, and it will tell you what you gain from it.


490 Defense prevents crits from a L 73 mob on a L70 tank (i.e. typical raid bosses). You won't have to worry about that until 70, but every bit helps, while also increasing your Dodge, Parry and Block %s.


Armor and stamina are always nice, Str and Agi give more threat and a bit of block and dodge. One challenge of gearing your tank is making sure you can hold agro. There's no point being invulnerable, if the boss runs right past you to the guy in the skirt! So it's a bit of a balancing act.


Read some "Beginner tank" articles for sure - Try the Warrior Forum stickies on the Blizzard WoW forums too.

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there's a secret number combination for warriors, its much too confusing for a rogue like me, but you'll have to ask Vanin about it

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The only number combo I can think of is only for use at lvl 70, tanking raid bosses...




490 Defense to become uncrittable.

25% avoidance from Dodge, Parry, Block(added together) so that Shield Block will make you uncrushable.


There are tons of variations of HP/Armor numbers that people recommend for Kara, but honestly if you can get 490/50 you're good for that instance. After that, maintaining those numbers becomes a non-issue, as the gear will inherently have the stats and allow you to gem for Effective Health or Avoidance.

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sweet! thanks for the tips :) tankspot is pretty awesome.


my first character was a priest and i loved how dps can be interchangable but you will always need a healer and a tank. and how a good healer or tank can make or break a raid.


I was one of axiom's main healers from the 1st rag kill to clearing wings of naxx, and i loved how you held it down so everyone could do their job... so thats why im going for tanking now...


anyway thanks again, and if anyone has any more tips they;'ve learned i'm all ears :)

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Get a two-hander, AoE taunt, Retaliation. Don't thunderclap, because theyll slow down how fast retalitation procs, and don't demo shout, because youll get less rage when they hit you. And if you have deathwish, pop that too. Its fun for everyone!

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If you can't find it there, it doesn't matter.

I can't recommend this site more for warriors. My brother and I had no problems leveling as prot to 70 and the whole "but prot can't grind or quest" mentality is a giant myth perpetuated by the Warrior Class. Assuming you have DPS gear (which you should be picking up from quests if they don't have a tanking upgrade) then you should be killing things rather quickly and efficiently.


Here's an example (take a look at his hp and lack of epics):



If anything, levelling as prot will become that much more appealing when the patch hits and Prot warriors get a giant dps boost.

Edited by Atrus

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awesomeness, that site freekin rocks, thanks again for all the replies..


i want to have a beastly tank eventually. i love the fact that you are a backbone of whatever group you are in just as much as my main.. priest.



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Steps to making a beastly tank:


1) Name him Beckbristow

2) Piss excellence

3) If either 1 or 2 are not possible, drink a lot of beer and smash your keyboard with a raging hard mega-boner during boss fights(which is what I do, except I meet 1 and 2 also)

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Back when i raided i would have a Dallas Cowboys cheerleader on my lap making out with me while holding a beer in one hand and revolver in the other. I would have to turn using my feet and use the Trouser Titan™ to select my abilities all the while i had "America, F--- Yeah!" blaring on a boombox.

Edited by Atrus

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