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What's going to happen to them? I gather they will be obsolete, but what about the enchants we have already learned? And more importantly, the ones we've enchanted onto our T6 gear, that we'll be wearing well into the Northrend zones?


For example, I just hooked my L19 twink up with an epic healing patch for his pants, worth ~250g. Should I have set him up with a spellpower patch instead? Or will the healing patch magically morph turn into a spellpower patch when the content patch goes live in a week or so?


PS: Any truth to the rumors of experience being added for BGs, to kill twinking altogether?

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+Healing gives you more Spellpower than Spelldamage to Weapon.. which is funny. Soulfrost remains the same and yes, you gain xp for doing battlegrounds.

Edited by Atrus

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so what will they do with the enchants in our skill books? will +40 spell damage and +what is it 80 healing be combined to one enchant? or will we still have the individual enchants? if so, why? i would just do the +healing enchant if i can get more spell power out of it.

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I would too... I wonder if anticipation of that is what has driven the Primal Life market up some? (higher than Primal Water, I noticed to my annoyance after I did the wrong daily transmute from Earth the other day) ^^

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