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I really hate PETA


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y do i see myself and millions of pothead taking peta out dont eff with my ben and jerrys or i will make ice cream out of yoru brain

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While I'm right there with the "the breast is best" concept - To say that dairy cows suffer is laughable. They chill in the field all day, coming in to the barn only to have a big buffet of the best legumes and grains available dumped in front of them, and be masturbated by their human slaves. I fail to see the ethical issues.


PETA people, like all extremists, do tend to be a bit... Distanced from reality. :)

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I'd totally eat or drink something with people milk in it.



*insert comment about Tom's mom's boobs and milk*



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8 words come to mind.


"I have nipples, can you milk me, Greg?"


my name is Greg.......


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It's so funny to see people who don't give a rat's @$$ about animals what people do to them. You OBVIOUSLY have NO IDEA what those cows go through and the way they are treated. Why don't you do a little research and look some stuff up and see how dairy cows are treated. If humans were treated the same way cows are, the treatment would stop and would be condemned.


The most ignorant comment has to be the ones stating cows don't suffer or feel anything. Why the hell would they not!?!?! Just because they're cows? Does your dog suffer? Does a cat suffer? If you beat a dog or cat, it feels pain just like a freaking cow does. It is so digusting and repulsive see people thinking it's okay to treat animals badly. I really wish people that have no compassion for animals were treated the way they think it's okay to treat animals. I am quite posivite if you were treated the way those cows are treated you changed your ignorant view.


It really is disgusting.

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It's a ridiculous solution to that issue. Make better conditions for the animals on the dairy farms then. If the farms don't want to go that extra mile for the cows, that sucks but using human breast milk isn't practical. Culturally it's never going to happen.


On a side note, equating humans and cows is far fetched. If you had to kill 100 cows to save 1 human life, I doubt you'd find anyone that would think twice before firing an RPG at the cow pile... I don't condone animal suffering but yeah... humans > cows.

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If humans were treated the same way cows are, the treatment would stop and would be condemned.


Does a cow have to worry about a job, secure financial future when they get old and can't work, pretend they care what they other cows are saying to them or about trying to find a mate that says yes sober?


I think not!


I suffer jsut as much as cows, jsut in different respects.


WHY CANT I SPELL JSUT RIGHT?! AHH! Justjustjustjustjustjusjsutjstutjust Cows don't have to deal with typing!



EDIT: /SARCASM, no one go blow a drama valve or anything.

Edited by Joesf

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Once again Peta proves what a bunch of fucktards they are. Peta is run by nut jobs. Peta believes in total animal "liberation" meaning if Peta had their way it would be illegal for humans to even have animals as pets/companions, which I'm def not a supporter of cuz damnit I'm selfish and I loves my babies. Oh and yes Peta would even take seeing eye dogs from the blind because according to them animals should not serve humans in anyway shape or form.


Having grown up on a small farm and still living there to this day I can tell you none of our animals are mistreated. As far as using human breast milk instead of dairy cows, that's really effing dumb. I can't imagine breast milk being able to meet the supply and demand of the worlds dairy needs. I'll soon be breast feeding and I can pretty much promise that in the year or so I breast feed my child my breasts won't produce as much milk as some of our cows can in just one day.


I am a member of the ASPCA and all about animal protection but we seriously need some more common sense in this world.

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