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So for those who are not aware, friendly reputation with the bloodsail bucks allows a player to get a "hat" that when used summons out a vanity pet parrot. This parrot is, short of tyreal's hilt, (goody bag code given out in the paris blizzard invitational) just about the rarest vanity pet in the entire game; and the only way to get to friendly with the bloodsail is to kill booty bay guards.... lots of booty bay guards.


I've known of this pet for some time (miro also ranted over it) however I have never felt it worth the incredibly long grind and loss of reputation with the steemwheedle towns. However, my opinion has begun to change. For one there is a special achievement (as of next patch) set aside specifically for this one pet. There is also an achievement earned for having 10, 25, and 50 unique vanity pets (this parrot included). Furthermore, in the expansion (or perhaps even as early as next patch) all vanity pets can be exchanged between ALL characters on an account - even if they are soulbound. On top of all of that, there is reason to believe that as of WOTLK, this pet will no longer be available to anyone that has not already earned it.


It is because of those reasons that I am feeling up to the task of sacrificing cartel rep and putting the time in to the long grind. Now that I've covered all the pros and cons to working toward one of these oh-so-rare birds, I'd like to ask if anyone around FP (or even someone outside of FP if they are reading this) would like to join me in grinding out BB guards. A quick google search reveals many tactics to quickly (and safely) farming them, and it would of course go twice as fast with twice as many people. (or three times as fast... or four... or five....)


That's all I wanted to ask, sorry for the long post! =) Also if you're considering joining me in this venture, don't forget that weather it's one person or 10, we all still get the exact same amount of rep =)



also: "new posts: 4747" xD

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I gotta say.. I love my pirate gear <3 you're a lock.. just grab a healer and you're set =) settle in for about 8 hours of guard killing!!

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I would love to help such a sexy piece of man-flesh on Sanctity! :-) Just let me know when we're on together. :-)

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Is it possible to undo the damage to your goblin rep? I'd be willing to do this, but not if it means that I can never fly to the goblin towns again.

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Is it possible to undo the damage to your goblin rep? I'd be willing to do this, but not if it means that I can never fly to the goblin towns again.



That's the kicker... I went down last night to see what would happen if I killed the pirates.. like.. what kind of rep I'd get back lol.. 1 BB rep PER KILL. I'm going to see what happens today with the Southsea Pirates.. if they're more like 5 per kill it'll go a little faster. But I'll still have to kill THOUSANDS of pirates. I've got about 35,000 rep to go to get out of hated with the goblins ^.~


There ARE rep turn ins you can do for everlook.. I need to check into something like that for gadget. I miss being a tiny kitty ><"

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That's what I was afraid of, Memphis. Let me know what you find out with the other pirates and the turnins.


I suppose I could do it on an alt instead, if the pets become sharable account-wide, and still end up with the pet for Bre... right?




Edit: Memphis, or someone who's done the pirate rep, try something for me. I read that you can do the giant zapping quests in Feralas near the dock to Feathermoon for 25 rep per turnin with all Steamwheedle Cartel factions. Not sure if this is more efficient than killing pirates, but it's not supposed to give negative Bloodsail rep, so in theory you could be friendly to both.

Edited by Breaca

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pretty sure theres a rep guy in ratchet you can turn crap into to increase your goblin rep. dont quote me though.

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lawl. someone requested a Bloodsail Achievement in wrath, so blizz added it.


/salute Bloodsail Admiral Memphis and Krotas





lol it's funny you bring this up.. I logged into the PTR and and the first thing in my chat log was "Memphis has been awarded the title Bloodsail Admiral"... I was like.. AMG I FINALLY HAVE A TITLE! ^.~ yay pirates!

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