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Where were you when you heard about the attacks on 9/11?


I was asleep - I worked graveyards and I wokeup around 1pm Mountain time, I thought it was a joke because I was all bleary eyed and didn't pay attention really until I got out of the shower.


Work told us not to bother coming in, so I just sat there glued to the TV for a few days. I remember it was a surreal feeling for the next few weeks. It didn't seem like anyone would honk in traffic at anyone, noone was flipping anyone off. It was weird!



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I was in study hall, playing Jenga, before my AP English class, during my senior year at high school. All we did was watch the footage and talk for the rest of the day in each of my classes. =/

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in gym doing stretches, our gym teacher had a radio set up, we all thought it was an accident or something. they sent us all home afterwards.

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Junior year of high school, in AP Chemistry. Our teacher's mom worked in DC (she wasn't hurt), so our teacher pretty much ran out of the class and didn't come back for a week or so. After about 30 minutes of being unattended in a fully functional chem lab, someone came and got us and we went home.

Edited by Ryee

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I was at the Georgia World Congress Center in the basement for the Interop (computer networking) convention. The convention was absolutely empty. A buddy from the Army called me up and told me. I ended up at the bar.

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I was in California on vacation with some friends, our flight back was the day after they reopened the airports. One friend woke me up and told me I had to see what was on TV (it was like 6am.) I thought I was still asleep it was insane.

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Walked into homeroom, and it was on TV. Thought it was a movie at first. We ended up watching the news for the entire school day. We got to see the second tower get hit as it happened.


All my dad had to do was look out his hotel window...

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I was at emory sleeping (never had a class before noon) my roommate woke me up. He told me what happened, I said he was full of shit. Then people from across the hall came in and said the same thing. I think like most people I just sat in my room for a few days. I've got a lot of family in NYC, my uncle even worked at the WTC until '99.

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I remember my mother coming in to my bedroom and saying nothing more than, "We're going to war." I just gave her this 'wtf?!?!' look and got up to see what was going on.


None of us really spoke about it for the first day.. When something this catastrophic happens, feelings are palpable things. We all knew what the other person was thinking just by looking them in the eye. I cried. I remember thinking about all of those people.. gone in the blink of an eye. I remember the panic.. and I remember the anger... and I remember that surreal feeling.. Like this really isn't happening.. Things like this don't happen here.


I remember going to the bar that was like 'Cheers' for us.. Everyone knew everyone else. Walking up to the front door with candles lit all over the sidewalk. I remember hugging my friends and thinking how.. it could have been any one of us.. and then I hugged them all a little tighter.


I gained a new appreciation for life that day.. and just how important it is to love each other as much as we can.


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On a bus for a school trip. All the teachers started whispering stuff to each other and flipping out. My best friend's mom was the teacher so i got to hear about it through the grape vine before they announced it to the whole bus.

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6:45 Pacific time, my mom burst into my room screaming "someone launched a missile at the World Trade Center and the Pentagon". It took 4 hours later (in school) to find out that it was airplanes that were hijacked that did the damage. I found out two days later that there was a 4th plane and the heroic acts of those aboard the plane prevented countless lives from being taken.

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I was at home watching good morning america I think. I took the day off because I didn't want to drive to Decatur where I was working at the time. All the major channels were already showing the buildings when the 2nd plane hit. It's an indescribable feeling watching a plane hit a building live on TV and knowing a lot of people just died. It's one of those things you know you'll never forget once you've seen it.

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I was getting ready for school and my dad is an avid news watcher. He was watching this huge tower billowing with smoke live on TV. I'm like wtf is going on and my dad says they aren't 100% sure they think a plane hit it.


I ran upstairs to primp my hair then I was going to hurry down to my room to get my stuff for school. As i walkeddown the stairs, which leads to the lower level of my parents house past the Family/TV room, I saw, live on the big screen, coming from the right side of the camera view a plane barreling into the second tower. My jaw dropped.


I didn't understand the size of the objects involved, I didn't understand the magnitude or importance of what was happening . . . I rushed off to school with my adrenaline going fast and I remember the first words out of my mouth to everyone I saw. It seemed as though I was the informant and others were corroberating my testimony. Everyone was in utter shock and disbelief at our words. It took about 2 class periods (3 hours) until the entire school realized it was serious.


So school was fulll of talk about what was going on and people buzzing about trying to hear more information from the media. The whole day was pretty surreal as you've all said, there was this buzz and feeling in the air, and everyones attitudes were more calm to add to the weight of the day.


At the time I worked at the airport with a high school friend, we hadn't heard from work and weren't able to reach anyone there . . . so we drove to the airport and got turned away to go home . . . Rat Race came to theaters that weekend or very recently prior to that day, so we went and watched that to kill some time. The theater was nearly empty . . . the movie was good and it barely opened. Very odd feelings that day, it seemed as though everyone put life on slow motion.

Edited by loofa

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I was asleep in between classes at the Naval Academy. The second time my buddy tried to wake me up I screamed something along the lines of "I DON'T WANT TO WATCH YOUR GODDAMN AIRPLANE MOVIE". I wanted to leave school and go to war right then.

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I was asleep because I don't wake up for school untill seconds before I have to leave cause I'm lazy like that. My mom kicked down my door and turned on my TV I'm pretty sure I said something along the lines of "That sucks, what time is it?" And went back to sleep untill I had to go to school cause I knew I was gonna spend the whole day reliving the incident.


As much as it changed history I was hoping to get a few more minutes on top of my 3 hours of sleep, as september 10th was an exciting day for me.

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heading to lunch in high school and i heard about it, i thought it was just some made up BS at first, then when i heard the pentagon got hit i called my dad cause he works in DC

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I had just returned home from getting my first ultra sound. I remeber looking at my unborn babys photo and turning on the tv,only to see the 1 st tower fall. I couldn't belive my eyes.

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i was in the computer lab at college wasting time while my then-boyfriend was in class. someone next to me poked me in the arm and was like "omgomgomg did you hear" and i'm like hear what? so we all migrated to the dining area and turned on the tv and watched the 2nd plane smash into the building. at that point mass chaos erupted because some dumbass was like "OMG THEY R GUNA BLO UP TEH CDC RUN FR YOR LIVEZ" so i walked back to my dorm which took me about 2 hours.


for those not in the know, the cdc is the center for disease control and not too terribly far from that college. but yeah, i was like no one is going to blow up the cdc you retard, let's all get on marta (public transportation) at the same time and go nowhere, that sounds awesome

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I remember I was in 4th grade at the time. I was at school when it happened, but none of the teachers would talk to the students about it. They wouldn't let us go outside for recess, so I was pretty ticked. Then, I got home, ready to play some video games, and my parents were sitting there glued to the television, and they told me what happened. At the time, I didn't realize that so many people had died, so I pretty much said "Alright. When are you guys going to be done with the TV for I can play my game?"


I'm pretty sure that I was the only one at my school/in my neighborhood that wasn't freaking the hell out. I didn't understand the magnitude of the situation, I just wanted to play some Mario Tennis.

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I was at a Marine corps base in Quantico, Va. in the mag area testing the security system, and heard on the Johnboy and Billy show that a small private jet crashed into one of the world trade centers. We all thought that was pretty random and then we heard not to much later about the 2nd one hitting. As soon as that happened we knew something weird was on and 2 seconds later our armed guard told us we had to leave immediately.

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haha, i was in 2nd grade.


i woke up to it before school.

of course i didn't understand what it was, since i was little.. but.. hrm


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I was in grade 11 in my morning math class. Our teacher told us something about a plane crashing into the WTC. I talked to a buddy at lunch about it briefly. We were not totally aware what was going on at the time.


By the time I got to my chem class right after lunch everyone was talking about it. The teacher let us use his computer to watch the videos on CNN.com. We were all amazed and there were a ton of rumors floating around the room about other planes heading to LA and stuff like that.


When I got home, I was glued to the TV. The images of the second plane hitting and the shots of the towers actually falling were impossible not to watch. I just didn't understand how something like that could happen.


My g/f (who I had not met yet) was at university at the time. I believe that she assisted in setting up beds in the university's gym for all of the stranded airline passengers who were stuck in Halifax at the time.


Its probably the defining moment of our generation. It has affected everyone who lives in America, here in Canada and pretty much everywhere else. Its basically our Kennedy assassination or pearl harbor.


Its had major affects on the following years and probably will continue to for years to come.

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