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I don't dislike people if they side themselves with a more conservative/Republican view point in politics, this just happens to be one of those wacky instances of uber-conservatism run amuck. Memphis you know I love you and that I don't sweep you under the rug with these people.





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I thought of figuring out whether or not that website existed until i saw your post Shiki, thanks :D


@Soma: i'd need therapy after seeing a Palin on Condi sex tape :<

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This thread is going places! :mrgreen:



Edited by Feanore

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I am very excite! Romance explosion!


@Soma: i'd need therapy after seeing a Palin on Condi sex tape :<

That wouldn't be a lesbian tape...Condi is a man...or an alien with a huge gap in its teeth.

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I'm really trying to stay as neutral when posting as I can but I found this:


ANCHORAGE - Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin has billed taxpayers for 312 nights spent in her own home during her first 19 months in office, charging a "per diem" allowance intended to cover meals and incidental expenses while traveling on state business.


Must be for food since she 'fired the cook'.



mud flinging brought you impart by the media. they failed the mention that the previous govenor in 8 months beat out Palin's spending

by a long shot it was crazy type it in google. plust travelling is part of a govenors job?


the media also pointed out about Palin's prego teen... obama later had a reply in that "leave the family out of this"


frankly this campaign is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO #(%& retarded it makes my head hurt

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The debate I want to see, fo real.



Rapper FAT JOE has lashed out at fellow Puerto Rican DADDY YANKEE for publicly endorsing U.S. presidential candidate JOHN MCCAIN.

The heavyweight rap star, a big fan of Obama, says, "I feel real disgusted that Daddy Yankee would do that."

"The reason why I called him a sellout is because I feel he did that for a look, rather than the issues that are affecting his people that look up to him.

"We're fighting an unjust war. It's the Latinos and black kids up in the frontlines, fighting that war... We over here trying to take the troops out of Iraq and bring peace. This guy immediately wants war."

But Fat Joe has offered to 'educate' Daddy Yankee about the evils of the Republican party: "If he believes John MCCain is the better candidate for the Latinos, we could sit down. Even if he wants to get into a debate, we can debate anywhere."

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If that mark ass trick thinks Obama is all that we can sit down an see who can take the most bullets.

Granted, Fat Joe is fat and can probably take a few bullets and I have never seen, or heard of for that matter, Daddy Yankee, I think this could be a good debate.

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Typing with one hand there, Shiki?

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Don't get me wrong. I don't like this woman's politics. But let's be honest in our dissent and not drag her down for the misgivings of a few misguided individuals. Let's let our dislike be based on things she's actually done. So far, I've found quite a bit that has more meat than this.

Oh come on now Gynis. Where's the fun in that? You sure know how to spoil a good election/smear campain!


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