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AP - ANCHORAGE, Alaska (Sept. 8) - Gov. Sarah Palin's church is promoting a conference that promises to convert gays into heterosexuals through the power of prayer.


"You'll be encouraged by the power of God's love and His desire to transform the lives of those impacted by homosexuality," according to the insert in the bulletin of the Wasilla Bible Church, where Palin has prayed for about six years.


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The fact that people still believe that amazes me, I bet they believe in witches and black magic too. A little Jesus to "cure" the gay! *rolls eyes*

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I'm really trying to stay as neutral when posting as I can but I found this:


ANCHORAGE - Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin has billed taxpayers for 312 nights spent in her own home during her first 19 months in office, charging a "per diem" allowance intended to cover meals and incidental expenses while traveling on state business.


Must be for food since she 'fired the cook'.

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Thank god palin cares for you guys enough to cure you of your gay ways. being gay kills more people than aids, heart disease, and cancer combined. Its more important than healthcare, and social security. Its more important than wars and people dieing as a result of them. Its more important than our economy or the 9.5 trillion dollar public debt our country has. Im glad Palin has her priorities straight!


Also, while they are curing gayitus, can they also cure me of my sniffles, my allergies are real bad today. Thanks in advance vice president palin, i really appreciate it.

Edited by Bishop

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if all the gay is prayed away, who will i talk to about the hills? :


LEMON AMG! Did you watch the new one last night? Aundrina can't cry. All that silicone is clogging her tear ducts.

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This is what I hate about elections. H-A-T-E. If one person from one political party does something, believes in something that is outrageous like this.. it MUST mean that EVERY person of that same political party thinks the same thing.


I'm about 90% Republican. There. I said it. I'm also Roman Catholic. Can any of you who know me.. for even ONE second.. think that I believe that homosexuality is something to be cured!?!?.. (by the way.. if you said yes to that.. we need to have a talk.) I KNOW of a few churches locally that think gay people can be 'fixed'.. and as I've said to a few of their congregation before.. Republican AND Democrat.. THERE'S NOTHING TO FIX! The God that I believe in doesn't make mistakes. We are all the way we are for a reason... Bloody hell... I can't even finish this..

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LEMON AMG! Did you watch the new one last night? Aundrina can't cry. All that silicone is clogging her tear ducts.




i found a picture of her terrible rack the other day that i meant to post, but it temporarily made me go blind from all the WTFISWRONGWITHTHOSETITS

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No one here projected the 'pray away the gay' thing to the entire Republican party. I moving the political discussion back to the other thread so this one can get down to some hardcore 'Hills' action.

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No one here projected the 'pray away the gay' thing to the entire Republican party.



QFT there are distinctions between people with sense and free thought that have a system of beliefes vs. ultra religious close minded robots. I'm a conservative myself :)

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In all fairness, these words weren't uttered from Palin either. Anymore than Obama is out spouting the rhetoric that his pastor was blasted for spewing during that guy's 15 minutes of Fame.


It is simply some of the more aggressive church goers capitalizing on the fame of one of their congregation to send a separatist message. I imagine that if someone were to put this question to Palin directly (Do you try to Pray away homosexuality?) then she would either answer an emphatic "no" or dodge the question entirely.


NOW - if she shows up on the roster of the attendees for this conference, that's an entirely different issue altogether.


Don't get me wrong. I don't like this woman's politics. But let's be honest in our dissent and not drag her down for the misgivings of a few misguided individuals. Let's let our dislike be based on things she's actually done. So far, I've found quite a bit that has more meat than this.

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I don't dislike people if they side themselves with a more conservative/Republican view point in politics, this just happens to be one of those wacky instances of uber-conservatism run amuck. Memphis you know I love you and that I don't sweep you under the rug with these people.



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I could be mistaken on my facts about this one (I didn't really follow this topic to close when I heard about it) but I think it was something that was being talked about in her church a few months back while she was there. So it was something that happened before she was in the national spotlight. The outrage seems to stem from the fact that she didn't get up and storm out when the subject came up. Somehow, in someone's mind, I suppose this constitutes her full agreement and support of it.


Like Mike said, I don't like her politics, particularly from a candidate campaigning under the banner of reform. It's strange and she could, when it's all said and done, be the reason I don't vote Republican.

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Beckbristow = 747 down a hallway.


That is all.



I cannot wait for what Stang will do with this post.



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