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Can someone explain to that too me? Like ZG if we go in again are all the bosses there for us again? Or are the ones we killed gone? I have a brief idea of what it means, (like for Onyxia) but I dont really understand it for MC and ZG . Plus what instances are like that?

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Currently, only MC, BWL, Onyxia, and ZG save. It means that the bosses you killed are still dead until your timer runs out, and mobs will only respawn after their timers are up, if they respawn at all. They do this so that we can go in one day and kill a couple bosses and some mobs, and continue where we left off another day. It allows us to experience more, progress more, and stop whenever we feel like it smile.gif.

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Now who is it based off of?

If one person in the group made it through 4 leaders, but the rest of the group hasnt done any, does that mean those 4 leaders are gone?

Or is it based off of the majority?

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Its based off the raid leader, I believe. But the whole raid is saved, meaning you cannot enter someone else's instance once you are saved to another one. You can only enter an instance in which the leader is saved to the same instance that you are. People who are not saved to any instance can enter any instance.

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Ok, so I can't join a PuG for ZG, since I was in ZG with Garnok as the leader?



Thanks SHoop, I wanted to clarify it as much as possible (for me and anyone else who needs it). I like ZG and want to go often, even more so since there are new pitions for alchemists that require reputation to get.


What would you suggest the best way to go about that? (If you have any ideas about it)






......and yes Im trolling, Im bored at my first job, The War Room (hobby shop).

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