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Hi guys,


You may or may not have heard that Brethren has suspended raiding til Wotlk. Although our progression has stopped, we stil have a solid core of people that want to keep clearing BT.


With that in mind, we are open to filling up the remaining spots with FP members.



- Schedule -


Is subject to change based on popularity or lack of attendance some nights.


As of now, Regular Raiding Schedule

(Sun-Thur 8-12 pm)


- Loot -


Loot will be RTU our first full run. With an informal Dkp system being setup in the process of the raid.


This is stil a work in progress, but as of now I'd like to get a show of hands to see what we are working with. Please respond in this thread with class and spec if interested in raiding.


Current FP Roster-

Wintress Q






Edited by Eluneschild

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I'd be interested in doing a full clear of BT a few time to check it out and maybe hope for the memento of tyrande...


So you have my resto druid if you need her, mostly PvP gear though :/

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lol pug DKP. whats vinds system called?

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definitely interested.


Streetkilla. DPS Warrior 17/44/0

Edited by Kibai

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I can only do the same BG so many times, then I feel like chucking my computer out the window.

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I can only do the same BG so many times, then I feel like chucking my computer out the window.

That's exactly how I feel about raids, Besides when BGs get boring you move onto starting shit in Hillsbrad.

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That's in any situation, it's not the BGs or raid instances that make the game fun but the people who you raid or pvp with.

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That's in any situation, it's not the BGs or raid instances that make the game fun but the people who you raid or pvp with.

Gotta take the wind out of my sails don't ya ruskie?



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That's in any situation, it's not the BGs or raid instances that make the game fun but the people who you raid or pvp with.


I have to agree with Vanin on this part for 101%.


If i get to play with the ppl i am familiar with, I am will be doing stuns which i know they are able to save me from dying. :tongue:

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Figures that my laptop would break now.........i'm hoping to get it back up ans running, and would like to atleast get 1 full BT clear in.

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Elune, I didn't say I am going. I have been really occupied with work stuffs and family matters until i sleep late at night. So, I don't wake up early to raid anymore. It's probably a break from raiding for me until WOTLK. However, if i am online then i am probably available but I doubt i will be online earlier than 10pm server time or longer than 10 mins on my priest due to the fact that I might be lvling alts on uncertain server time.



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We will be trying to get a BT run started this Thursday night starting at 8pm.


Those that have inclined their interest above please be ready at 8pm. (Pots,Elixirs,Foods)


Looking forward to raiding with some of you again! Its gonna be fun.




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I'm sorry I wasn't around on thursday, I hadn't returned to the thread to check the post about Thursdays raid.

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