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Will we find the higgs boson particle or will we destroy the universe?




P.S. Only 14 hours to go as of posting!

Edited by Bishop

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This is an amazing opportunity for us to move forward in our scientific understanding of the world. I can't wait to hear about the results (and not understand them fully or really at all). If the results are as radical as I hope then this will be a major breakthrough on the level of Einstein's theory of relativity. We might finally see strings! Then we can all find out if Battlestar Galactica was right and god has a melody!


oor....the 8th dimension of hell will open up and demons shall pour onto earth, in mere weeks the civilization as we know it will crumble. Save for one marine, who with infinite ammo and maybe a god code or two, shall destroy the demons and save humanity. All while smoking his last cigar...



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I am more then a little excited about this project. Wether we discover the Higgs Boson or not, this is going to go down as one of man kinds greatest achievements.


And for you naysayers that say it's going to destroy the world, I'll make sure to send you some big boy pants in the future.

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I am more then a little excited about this project. Wether we discover the Higgs Boson or not, this is going to go down as one of man kinds greatest achievements.


And for you naysayers that say it's going to destroy the world, I'll make sure to send you some big boy pants in the future.



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Collisions in the LHC


...you mean like ecths hammer int some hordes face?


or are we not talking about old school world pvp?


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Here's hoping we see some mini black holes and confirm some of Hawking's theories...


Anybody that is worried about unintended consequences needs to pull their f*&%ing socks up...

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Meh, whatever happens, I thinks it's fascinating. But my money's on Vanin's end-of-the-world theory. /God-mode on.

Edited by Feanore

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oh man, i'm so excited. mainly because the thing looks so effing COOL.




if that aint science i dunno what is. a part of me is hoping the world explodes upon itself...

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What the hell does that even mean?


think of it this way.... if it happens, it won't even matter.

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Obviously time speeds up when particles collide and it'll be September for it but it's August for us.


It doesn't matter when, it'll be either completely a waste of everyones time (like Y2K) or AWESOME in two ways 1. Complete break down of society due to extra dimensional creatures coming through a wormhole created by the machine 2. Discovery in physics that will be amazing to everyone who understands it.


I'm crossing my fingers for #1 still...as long as there are not creatures that attack the face or those weird Alien sucking spider things...

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As much as I'd personally love to be around for the complete destruction of civilization as we know it, I'd say option 3 is gonna happen. The for aforementioned option being that the results won't quite be as expected, and will puzzle scientists for decades to come. Though if the apocalypse is on the way you better brush off that black box Igor.

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