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Congrats on hte wedding today sileed. I'm sure your married life will be great, just remember to keep her happy and to use tranquil shot often or end up with the deadly wife argo. lol

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Tie her to a bedpost...they love that...the tears are directly proportional to their enjoyment



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For the record, some of them actually do like that. We have a few of those in the guild as a matter of fact. :wink:

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I haven't tried that with mine. I have a feeling once she figured her way out things would get ugly,lol.

Oh yeah grats sileed good luck with all of it.

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To be perfectly honest I've met only 1 girl in real life so far WHO wasn't into some form of being tied down.


I'm not complaining.

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Thanks everyone, the day went great (even though it rained) I'm working out of town this week but maybe when I get back I'll post a pic or two in the FP - who r u? thread...


I gotta figure out my respec now since 1.7 came out while I've been gone smile.gif

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Seriously, bondage FTW


Still play nice!


Congrats Sileed I wish you and your wife the best smile.gif

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